Sunday, January 26, 2025

Friday, January 24, 2025

If "Peacock-Streaming" Had Somehow Linked Itself to The "Jurassic World" Property, That Would Have Been a Suitable "Identity Marker" For Them


But, they never thought of that either.

Isn't it amazing all of the things that never occur to "Peacock-Streaming?"

Especially with "Science Fiction / Fantasy" always going strong on all of the other streaming services.

"So Say We All!!"

The Endless Problems With "Peacock-Streaming" Always Occur When You Begin a "Streaming Service"....


1. Without a plan.

2. Without a vision.

3. Without a concept.

4. Without any idea of what a streaming service really is.

5. Without a discernible "Identity Marker" like a new "Battlestar Galactica" series.

6. Without sufficient funding.

7. Instead, you just make your alleged streaming service like the failed "SyFy Channel", piling one endless rerun after another (of old shows) in your schedule.

"So Say We All!!"

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Even In Its Early Days, "Peacock-Streaming" Was Considered a Miserable Failure

"Alas, the streamer has no signature style, no signature show, and doesn't know how to properly leverage the assets it does have. David Zazlaf's incompetence over on Max gets most of the attention, but what's going on with Peacock is on another level."

"No signature style, no signature show"..... 

....What if it didn't screw this up every which  way for five frickin' years?....

And this blog has been voicing criticisms like this against Peacock from the beginning!!

Situations like this have always been typical "Murphy's Law" for "Comcast / NBC-Universal." everything it touches.....

"What can go wrong, always will go wrong" for "Comcast / NBC-Universal."

Never any exceptions.

"So Say We All!!"

With What's On The "SyFy Channel" On a Daily Basis, You Don't Need "Sleeping Pills"


The channel itself will put you to sleep, instead.

"So Say We All!!"

If You Don't Understand and Can't Comprehend What You Own, What Do You Do?


You...."Sit On It"....and do nothing with it, and do nothing constructive with it (ATTENTION: The Abomination "GINO") for...."47 Consecutive Years."

"So Say We All!!"

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Could It Have Been Any More Obvious? "SyFy Channel" Was The "Sibling Business Model" For "Peacock-Streaming." Warts and All


I. "SyFy" has never known how to be a "Science Fiction" Channel.

"Peacock-Streaming" has never known how to be a "Streaming Service."

II. "SyFy" pretends to be a "Science Fiction" Channel. Very poorly.

"Peacock-Streaming" pretends to be a "Streaming Service." Very poorly.

III. "SyFy Channel" has never liked the "Battlestar Galactica" property.

"Peacock-Streaming" has never liked the "Battlestar Galactica" property.

IV. "SyFy Channel" has never been successful.

"Peacock-Streaming" has never been successful.

V. On the rare occasions when "SyFy" does attempt something "Science Fiction" oriented, the negative reactions always are "What the F*ck is that?"

On the rare occasions when "Peacock-Streaming" does attempt something "Science Fiction" oriented, the negative reactions always are "What the F*ck is that?"

VI. Both "SyFy" and "Peacock-Streaming" always hire "Z-Grade" - (Underwhelming) producers, writer's, directors, and actors (in everything they do) that you have NEVER heard of before.

VII. Both "SyFy" and "Peacock-Streaming" are pretty much IGNORED no matter what they do and don't do.

VIII. "SyFy" and "Peacock-Streaming" are only known for being insignificant components of much larger entities.

IX. You can always watch what you already own on Blu-Ray and DVD instead of watching "SyFy" and "Peacock-Streaming."

X. Everyone still wonders how "SyFy" and "Peacock-Streaming" can still exist after their endless series of "Business Prat-Falls."

"So Say We All!!"

Thursday, January 9, 2025

What's This?

OK, it has nothing to do with the fact that "Peacock-Streaming" still only has 30 million subscribers after 5 years.

"So Say We All!!"

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Perhaps The Most Notorious Name Attached to All of The Consecutive, ""Failed Battlestar Projects" Dating Back to 2001

Dylan Clark

His apparent "job description" associated with all of the "Never Existing Battlestar Projects" from 2001-2024 was....

"Shepherding The Projects" along....

From what this blog can gather, that really meant "doing nothing" from 2001-2024 yet still getting a paycheck for it.

While we're at it, let's also add all of the people he was apparently in charge of during those decades.....

1. Sam Esmail

2. Simon Kinberg

3. Frances Lawrence

4. Michael DeLuca

5. Scott Stuber

6. Tom DeSanto

7. Bryan Singer

8. Jack Paglen

9. John Orloff

10. Lisa Joy

If I were Mr. Clark, I wouldn't mention anything having to do with "Battlestar" on my resume from 2001-2024. He might want to just "Fill-In-The-Blanks" with "Make Believe" information.

"So Say We All!!"

Ronald D. Moore's "GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only Series) Was Really an Attempted "Repair Job" On What Moore Thought Was Going Wrong With "Star Trek: Voyager"


And somehow, his attempted repair job with "GINO" (and "Caprica"), wound up being nothing more than everyone wearing "Earth-centric" business suits, trench coats, and shooting at each other with 1930s era "Tommy-Guns."

Friday, January 3, 2025

Yes, The Excuses With "Comcast / NBC-Universal" Will Always Be "Decades Spanning"

 And, we can add these excuses to....

1. Covid-19

2. Y2k

3. 9 / 11

4. Writer's / Producer's / Director's Strikes

For "Battlestar" never returning.

"So Say We All!!"

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

This Blog's Biggest Challenge For 2025 Will Be Trying to Define Exactly What "Peacock-Streaming" Is


If it will even exist anymore in 2025 and beyond. 

"So Say We All!!"