Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Isn't It Interesting How The SyFy Channel Has a "How To" Show On Applying Elaborate Movie Makeup?
The very sort of...."Makeup Intense Fantasy Movies"....parent corporation NBC-Universal would and could never afford anymore after the massive box office failure of..."R.I.P.D."
And in this era of both...."Star Wars"....and..."Star Trek"....thriving with new productions and superhero movies owned by practically everyone crawling out of the woodwork to massive Box Office success, NBC-Universal has absolutely nothing to offer in order to compete. NBC-U has also so mismanaged and mishandled...."Battlestar Galactica"....over the decades to utter oblivion to such an extent...it can't even dust it off anymore to try and compete in this thriving new theatrical market of spaceships and heroes at the Box Office.
But, we do have NBC-Universal's next...."Fake Battlestar Movie Press Release"....to look forward to roughly a year from now. Won't that be fun? Since its most recent...."Fake Battlestar Movie Press Release"....was in April 2014. Its fake press releases coming along every two years, roughly.
This is a textbook example of mismanagement finally coming home to roost and biting the corporation practicing it right in the ass. If managed properly,...."Battlestar Galactica"... (in its only true form in the 1978 series) could be a formidable adversary for..."Star Trek"...."Star Wars"...and any superhero movie that comes along. If mismanaged, it renders the ownership corporation.....inert....left out in the cold unable to participate in a thriving Box Office trend....causing the corporation to roll over in simulated death.
Sleep well, Fido.
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A Decade Later, Ronald D. Moore's "GINO" - (Galactica In Name Only) Series Is Never In Demand From The Mass Market Audience For New Productions....
....Edward James Olmos remains a relatively unknown, frowning character actor, Mary McDonnell is sort of squeaking by in television here and there, Tricia Helfer apparently only works when there is a new SyFy Channel production (and how often is that?), and the rest of them have dropped off the face of the Earth in terms of present acting gigs.
A decade later, the facts remain and the evidence remains..."GINO" - (Galactica In Name Only) was not a successful television production. It didn't click with the mass market audience, the mass market audience didn't take to it, "Galactica" fans do not consider this series..."Canon"...."Pre-Canon"...."Post-Canon"....anything..."Canon"....and have never considered it to be...."Battlestar Galactica"... in any way, shape, or form. Audiences overall who sampled it considered it repulsive on every level, an excessively mean spirited, violent, and boring, meandering soap opera made up as it went along.
And perhaps most bluntly....this series killed the careers of every single cast member in terms of moving on to bigger and better things.
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Monday, March 30, 2015
From "Wrestling" To "C.S.I." Reruns To "The Last Airbender." There Is Only One Cable Destination With Such Abrupt, Clashing, And Startling Segues In Programming Like That

For the undiscriminating viewer who doesn't care if a cable network has a singular and discernible on-air identity or not.
Attention, the...."Trailer Park Trash".....demographic!!
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Saturday, March 28, 2015
Rolling Out Bryan Singer's "Aborted Project / Fake Press Release List" Is Becoming an Increasingly Routine Chore of This Blog
Inquiring minds want to know!! Can Bryan Singer work on...."X-Men: Apocalypse"...."The Moon is a Harsh Mistress"....and...."Star Trek: Federation" at the same time?? Of course not!! But all three potentially aborted projects are on his fake press release list!!
....Just to be on the safe side!! (Evil Grin).....
Bryan Singer's Aborted Project / Fake Press Release List -Volume 1
1. Six Billion Dollar Man
2. Battlestar Galactica
3. The Munsters (TV series)
4. Logan's Run
5. Excalibur
6. Bob Fosse mini series (HBO)
7. 2012 (SyFy Channel mini-series)
8. Sellevision
9. X-Men: Last Stand
10. Jack The Giant Killer
11. Star Trek: Federation - Television Series
12. The Prisoner
13. Wolverine 2
14. X-Men 3
15. Aim High
16. X-Men: First Class
17. X-Men: Days of Future Past (Surprisingly completed)
18. Freedom Formula: Ghost of The Wasteland
19. The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life & Times of Harvey Milk
20. Capeshooters
21. The Twilight Zone remake with CBS-TV
22. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
23. Football Wives
24. X-Men Origins: Magneto
25. Superman: The Man of Steel (Superman Returns Sequel)
26. uwantme2killhim? - Straight to DVD?
27. My Eleventh
28. The Black Box (Abandonment Pending)
29. Creature At Bay (Abandonment Pending)
30. Spooked (Abandonment Pending)
31. X-Men: Apocalypse (Abandonment Pending)
32. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (Abandonment Pending)
33. Star Trek: Federation TV Series (Apparently Back on Track Again & Abandonment Pending)
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The World Isn't Blunt Anymore. The World Is Always Afraid To Tell It Like It Is
Ronald D. Moore has never done Science Fiction. He also has never done what is known to be...."Battlestar Galactica"....He doesn't do fantasy or anything remotely connected to it.
Ronald D. Moore does Soap Operas. That's all he does. Nothing more, nothing less. His "GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only) series starring Edward James Olmos (the frowning guy in everything he does) was a Soap Opera with the...."Galactica"....name inexplicably attached to it. He does Soap Operas repeatedly because it is the easiest form of melodrama to write.You plot your story points and then you connect the dots with boring melodrama in between:
1. He loves her.
2. She loves him.
3. The love is forbidden.
4. The love is timeless. (In this case, Time Travel)
5. The love triumphs against all odds and over all.
That is the plot of...."Outlander".....That's it. It's also the plot of every network Soap Opera going back 50 years. And the plot of every dime store paperback novel going back 100 years. Any window dressing thrown in (Science Fiction) doesn't make it Science Fiction.
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Friday, March 27, 2015
NBC-Universal Couldn't Possibly Screw This Up Because It Has Absolutely Nothing To Do With "Battlestar Galactica" And Science Fiction. Right? (Rolling My Eyes)
This should be the easiest revival of a series to do. No imagination, no inspired thinking required. Right up NBC-Universal's alley. Just a...."Dumb Lug Sports Show".....21 minute sitcom.
Watch NBC-Universal screw it up anyway.
Maybe Maury Povich could be Craig T. Nelson's dad?
This has the SyFy Channel's...."Trailer Park Trash".....demographic written all over it. They'll love it no matter how badly NBC-Universal screws it up.
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Thursday, March 26, 2015
I Get It!! "SyFy" Is An Acronym For "Smack Your Fanny, Yowza!!" It's Some Sort Of Weird, Wrestling Lingo
It's something you would expect from a channel that is...
65% Wrestling
30% Schlocky Horror
5% Failed Attempts at Science Fiction
Why doesn't NBC-Universal just complete their murder of this once great Science Fiction channel and make it 100% wrestling? It's the only thing they know how to do as television programmers. Put junk on the air appealing to the..."Trailer Park Trash".....demographic.
SyFy - "Smack Your Fanny, Yowza!!"
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Yes, It's The Annual "Pigasus Award" Given For "Psychic Fraud" In Television Programming. Yes, The SyFy Channel Has Won A Few Over The Years
You mean...."Crossing Over With John Edward"....wasn't real? Where does this leave the rest of the supposedly authentic...."Paranormal Programming"....on the SyFy Channel?
1. Ghost Hunters
2. Ghost Mine
3. That new ghost show on the SyFy Channel
4. Haunted Highway
Where does the SyFy Channel hang its...."Pigasus Awards?"....In Bonnie Hammer's office?
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"Robots And The U.S. Army vs. Sea Monsters. What Could Go Wrong?"
What could go wrong? Umm, more low ratings for the SyFy Channel?
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Tuesday, March 24, 2015
"Can You Tell Me How To Get...How To Get To 'Sesame Street?'" Public Television You Ask? Nope!! It's Just The SyFy Channel Doing Another Weird, Identity Morph Thing. Another Day, Another Temporary Channel Identity For SyFy
Where's..."Big Bird?"...and...."Oscar The Grouch?"...and...."Bert and Ernie?"....and the other...."Muppets?"....and....sing-a-longs?.....and....imaginary stories?


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Monday, March 23, 2015
Now Here Is a Business Practice Completely Foreign To NBC-Universal / SyFy Channel.
....Actually following through with a project after announcing it in a legitimate press release.
Thank God NBC-Universal doesn't own the..."X-Files".... If it did, we would never see this revival....EVER!!
April 8th, 2014 - And I do believe we have an anniversary coming up!! Yes, on April 8th 2015, it will be the one year anniversary of NBC-Universal's...."Latest and Fake Battlestar Movie Press Release!!" Won't that be fun? Thank God I'm here to keep everyone on their toes!!
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Wrestling, Horror Movies, And Cooking Shows. What Was The Name of This Channel Again?
If viewers want clashing segues from one television program to the next, they need not look any further than the SyFy Channel.
7:00 - Slither
8:30 - WWE Wrestling
9:30 - Marcel's Quantum Kitchen
10:00 - Into The Crapper With Wil Wheaton
10:30 - Pen & Teller
11:00 - Sharknado 4: Partridge Family Reunion
SyFy Channel: For the jaded television viewer (without a discriminating eye) who likes his / her television programming....Rattled....Shake & Baked.....Topsy Turvy.....Not Nailed Down....Half Ass....Without a common central theme connecting one program to the next....Stupid....Boring....Neophyte Managed....Chameleon-esque.....Fickle....Low Budget...and Lazy.
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Sunday, March 22, 2015
The SyFy Channel Seems to Operate Under The "Budget Conscious Oriented Options Program." Where Everything Looks And Is "Dirt Cheap"
Take this new show for example coming up on the SyFy Channel. It looks like the SyFy Channel is attempting a medieval epic of some sort. My God, Barney Fife from the Andy Griffith Show might as well be attempting...."King Lear"....on stage.
What can we tell just by looking at this photo?
1. It's being filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia.
2. The Wardrobe came from...."Bosco Johnny's Medieval Halloween Shop"...in beautiful, downtown Vancouver. We're not talking historically accurate...."Chain Mail"...here. We're talking...."Chain Rubber"...."Chain Plastic"....and..."Chain Cotton." In other words, a budget conscious wardrobe not available during the...."Dark Ages"....because the fabrics weren't invented yet and weren't invented until the 1950s and later. That blue tunic looks like it's made out of the same fabric as some of my summer sport shirts. I could make the same costumes using clothing from..."Haband"....as the base garments, with a Halloween shop providing the accessories.
3. This show won't be epic by any means.
4. The swords will be rubber, the blood with be ketchup, the pregnant bumps on the medieval babes will be ...."Junior Miss"....pillows from..."Sears"...., and...."Burger King Catering"....will be barely out of camera range. And everyone in front of and behind the camera (just one) will be taking all of this with a somber / glum seriousness.
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Saturday, March 21, 2015
Ghost Hunting Shows Are Fake, Scripted, Staged, Camera Blocked, Assembled Like a Jigsaw Puzzle in Post Production, Low Rated...And The SyFy Channel Keeps Lapping Them Up Like Chocolate Milk
I keep forgetting that the SyFy Channel's primary demographic is the miniscule...."Moonshine, Trailer Park Trash...Maury Povich....My doggy has an eye patch.....we hang our laundry on an outdoors clothes line to dry because we don't have a dryer....we use the bath tub as a resting place for our pick-up truck engine every Sunday to dry out....I have a crush on my cousin.....and Grandma wears combat boots with her Easter dress"....demographic who believe that all of this ghost hunting stuff is real.
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Friday, March 20, 2015
Again And Again, The Most Interesting Television Show Ideas To Come Along Are Never On The SyFy Channel
Now here is truly an interesting and inspired idea for a television series (I'm not kidding.) Tough guy..."Mr. T."....hosting his own home improvement show called..."I Pity The Tool." Now, here is a show that at least has an interesting idea behind it that isn't....status quo.....or stupid....or beaten to death....or endlessly regurgitated...like the crap on the SyFy Channel. Somebody at least was using his / her head here in the programming department. What won't be driving the show here is the home improvement aspects of it, but rather...."Mr. T's"....personality. That's what viewers will be tuning in to see.
The SyFy Channel couldn't think up a great idea like this from its overused slimy pool of....wrestling....reality....horror....and other non-science fiction cliches no matter what.
And...Get This!!..."Mr T's"....new show actually fits in with the format and established on-air identity of the network it is airing on!!...The..."Do It Yourself" (DIY)...network!! Imagine that!!
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Thursday, March 19, 2015
Revisiting Just How Truly Unpopular And Unknown Ronald D. Moore's "GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only) Series Truly Was
Forget all of the stealth marketing bullsh** the SyFy Channel and its small army of stealth marketers on the Internet tried to spoon feed the public. Forget about all of the fake accolades and fake critical acclaim showered on this truly awful television series.
The truth is in the pudding. On an episode of David Letterman seven years ago, the cast of "GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only) unexpectedly were the objects of ridicule from Dave's studio audience (the mass market general public) as the studio audience obviously didn't know what this show ("GINO") was. So, there were moments of awkward and embarrassing silence from the studio audience while an off camera stage hand tried to rally everyone into applause from Dave's audience who obviously didn't know who these people were standing on stage making fools out of themselves while trying to clunk their way through Dave's..."Top 10 List."
It's truly embarrassing to watch. You know what I'm saying? A time when the SyFy Channel and Ronald D. Moore convinced themselves that they didn't have a flop on their hands from day one.
An embarrassing and unfortunate time in television history when a corporation (NBC-Universal / SyFy Channel) and an individual (Ronald D. Moore) demonstrated their joint inability to attract and entertain a mass market television audience.
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Wednesday, March 18, 2015
As We Fast Approach The One Year Anniversary Of Universal Studios Latest And Fake "Battlestar Galactica Movie Press Release", Inquiring Minds Want To Know - Where Do These Fake Press Releases Keep Coming From?
April 8th, 2014 - Where oh where do these fake...."Battlestar Galactica".....movie press releases keep coming from since 2001?
a. The Universal Studios.... "Black Tower"..... executive offices?
b. The Universal Studios movie lot itself?
c. Ron Meyer's business office?
Or perhaps outside of Universal Studios?
d. An outside agency hired by Universal Studios?
Inquiring minds want to know!!
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Tuesday, March 17, 2015
A Blunt Assessment Of The SyFy Channel And Its Rotten Programming
1. A generic, bland, and non-specific cable channel without a discernible on-air identity.
2. A channel that never should have been purchased 15 years ago by its present owners because its present owners suck at all things Science Fiction in program development.
3. A former Science Fiction channel from the early to mid-1990s utterly decimated by its present owners with bad taste and generic schlock.
4. A channel where its present owners have always regarded Science Fiction fans with every typical...."Lame Brained, Corporate America Stereotype".....you would expect coming from...."Corporate America Business People"....saddled with managing a former Science Fiction channel they never should have purchased in the first place back in 1999. Stereotypes: "Science Fiction fans are nerds living in their parents basements, don't date, always living in the past, etc.
5. A generic, bland, non-specific (in terms of an on-air identity) and badly managed cable channel that is roughly....50% scripted, choreographed, and staged wrestling....20% badly produced, written, and acted horror movies....20% badly produced, written, and acted half ass attempts at Science Fiction, and 10% badly produced, written, and acted reality shows that cover just about every subject matter you can think of....cooking shows, movie makeup shows,...."Into The Crapper With Wil Wheaton"....magic shows....and ghost hunter supposed reality shows where all of the spooks are created on the post production dubbing stage...."EVP voices"....and objects moving by themselves are created by off camera stage hands.
6. A cable channel also owned by the same owners of..."The Maury Povich Show"....and..."Blind Date." No wonder it sucks so much.
7. A cable channel that one moment shows..."C.S.I."....reruns and the next moment shows...."Twilight Zone"....reruns.
8. A cable channel where its most expensive programming is purchased from Canada second hand and not produced themselves.
9. A cable channel that allows its website to be used as bulletin board advertisements for television shows debuting on other cable networks, such as...."E!"....
10. A cable channel with each passing day, increasingly becomes a generic, bland, and non-specific cable channel in terms of lacking a specific on-air identity.
11. A cable channel that has always regarded the successful television programs not produced by itself ("Farscape" - produced by The Henson Company) as failures always ripe for cancellation, while the unsuccessful productions it produces for itself...."Sharknado"...."Helix"....."Z Nation"....."12 Monkeys"...."GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only).....as successes.
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Monday, March 16, 2015
Universal Studios is Always Too Busy To Do Something Constructive Like This With "Battlestar Galactica" (Update The Visual Effects)
...Because making money hand over fist as they haven't been doing for years and years with..."GINO" - (Galactica In Name Only)...."12 Monkeys"...and...."Helix"....on the SyFy Channel is a full time job in itself!!
Universal Studios motto: "Better to throw money away on short term projects that will never make money instead of wisely investing it in..."Battlestar Galactica!!"
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