And this...."Off The Rack"...."Snooze Fest"....was originally developed for the…."SyFy Channel"....
And Get this....
"NBC-Peacock Streaming"....considers this their...."Flagship Show."
It's all one...gigantic....and tangled…."Corporate Matted Hair Ball "….(this corporation that is) and its….notorious subsidiaries....
1. NBC-Universal
2. NBC-Peacock Streaming
3. SyFy Channel
4. USA Networks

Everything will always remain simultaneously bleak at…."NBC-Universal"...."SyFy Channel"…."USA Networks"....and newcomer...."NBC-Peacock Streaming"....
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on Amazon.com, as well as other stuff..
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on Amazon.com (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.