This blog and I were saying this stuff years before the "Mainstream Media" first began noticing it. And I'll take what's stated in the above article a step further:
"Comcast / NBC-Universal" is not the slightest bit interested in running a streaming service because it requires massive amounts of money and talent that "Comcast / NBC-Universal" is unwilling to spend (and doesn't have) in order to make it competitive with the other "Streaming Services."
It would have required a massive investment from "Comcast / NBC-Universal" to make a "Battlestar Galactica Streaming Series" so (of course) any mention of "Battlestar Galactica" by "Comcast / NBC-Universal" was always typically relegated to its endless streams of "Fake Battlestar Galactica movie / TV Show Press Releases" spanning decades. And this is the same corporation that additionally, could never even put out a competently produced "Battlestar Galactica DVD / Blu-Ray Set" without some sort of glaring, technical issues. This same corporation couldn't even produce an attractive cardboard box cover for any of its "Battlestar Galactica DVD / Blu-Ray Sets"....

So, right off the bat....this blog knew that "Comcast / NBC-Universal" was lying its "Corporate Keyster" off when it announced three years ago (2019) that it was claiming to make a "Battlestar: Whatever" production for the newly (doomed to fail) "Peacock Streaming" service, with the name of someone (Sam Esmail) who inspired confidence in no one (especially this blog) with his underwhelming abilities to make a "Battlestar: Anything."This blog has also known for a long, long time that "Comcast / NBC-Universal" should not be in the "Battlestar" business and the "Streaming" business because it is cerebrally, intellectually, and financially incapable of both.
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on, as well as other stuff..
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.