Give 'Comcast / NBC-Universal' a new broadcast outlet of any sort beyond 'Peacock Streaming', 'SyFy Channel', and 'NBC-TV'....and it will broadcast wrestling on it.In all honesty, this blog thinks it has everything to do with the fact that like wrestling, 'Comcast / NBC-Universal' as a corporation is 'Hard Wired' to be attracted to everything that is trashy, cheap to produce, and get on the air quickly with zero thought whatsoever with the least amount of dollars spent.
Take its defunct and failed streaming service for example. 'Peacock Streaming' FAILED because 'Comcast / NBC-Universal' was unwilling to invest the necessary amount of dollars in it to get it functioning and competitive with the other streaming services.Instead, 'Comcast / NBC-Universal' managed 'Peacock Streaming' like it was a 'Low Budget SyFy Channel / Wrestling Fiasco." With no instincts whatsoever to be competitive with the other streaming services on any abstract or serious levels.
'Comcast / NBC-Universal's Corporate Agenda' from day one with 'Peacock Streaming' was to spend as little amount of money as possible while managing it. And that included not being competitive with the other streaming services via not providing its subscribers with 'High Quality / Big Budgeted / Science Fiction / Fantasy / Horror Programming.'
And where is 'Peacock Streaming' now as a result?

The 'Great Beyond.'
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on, as well as other stuff..
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.