Monday, February 28, 2011

Why SyFy Channel And Ronald D. Moore Failed And Always Will

Straying as far away from the Battlestar Galactica formula as SyFy Channel and Ronald D. Moore did is hardly surprising, since leaning in the direction of not making money has always been habitual with SyFy Channel, and Ronald D. Moore. The two of them have never been intellectually wired to comprehend or immerse themselves in what Battlestar Galactica really is (the 1978 series), and they certainly have never been wired to comprehend or immerse themselves in what Science Fiction television programming really is. SyFy Channel and Ronald D. Moore barely keep their noses above drowning water financially by adopting a "smorgasbord" approach in what they do when dealing with the Battlestar Galactica property. After jettisoning what the property is supposed to be (the 1978 series), they then proceed to stuff the property with every conceivable stolen idea they can think of from other Science Fiction properties. Star Trek, Blade Runner, and Species. This in addition to stolen ideas from gangster dramas and soap operas.

The primary losing ingredient in SyFy Channel's and Ronald D. Moore's sham interpretation of the Battlestar Galactica property has been aping the Blade Runner movie as much as possible, with a little bit of Ridley Scott's other Science Fiction movie (Alien) thrown in for good measure. Yes, SyFy Channel and Ronald D. Moore like things dark and gloomy. Which is an easy way to cover up extremely limited abilities in producing and scriptwriting. It's alot easier to create negative drama than it is to create light, happy drama. When things are as one note as they always have been in these sham interpretations of Battlestar Galactica (ceaseless frowning, ceaseless woe, ceaseless gloomy claptrap), it becomes fairly easy to crank out the scripts in assembly line fashion, and in (Speedy Gonzales style)...knock out shooting scripts. "Dark and Gloomy" is the generally acknowledged route to go if you aren't a very good television producer (Ronald D. Moore), if you aren't a very good scriptwriter (Ronald D. Moore), if you aren't very good at working with actors or extracting strong performances from them (Ronald D. Moore), or if you didn't attend a legitimate drama school or never learned what legitimate drama really is (Ronald D. Moore.)

You will never find SyFy Channel and Ronald D. Moore at the Emmy Awards. You will never find their work even nominated for anything, because their work sucks ass. SyFy Channel's and Ronald D. Moore's sham interpretations of Battlestar Galactica have been nothing more than "jury-rigged" constructs for those who really don't know how to produce and script write legitimate pieces of drama. These sham interpretations of Battlestar Galactica have been nothing more than vehicles designed to keep the extremely untalented.....employed.....just barely. Those who really don't know how to lay out a legitimate premise for a television series. Those who really don't know how to produce or script write. Those who really don't know how to work with actors or extract legitimate performances from them.

It has been extremely easy for Ronald D. Moore and SyFy Channel to primarily ape Blade Runner and Alien(s) while knocking out these sham interpretations of Battlestar Galactica. Tell everyone to frown and then utilize your extremely limited scriptwriting abilities to construct your scripts around the frowning, and the doom & gloom. This is producing and scriptwriting for "retards." This is producing and scriptwriting for "idiots." This is why SyFy Channel and Ronald D. Moore have never made a dime working together for the past decade. This is why (in their hands) the Battlestar Galactica property has remained the sleeping giant it always has been.....for an additional decade. This partnership of SyFy Channel and Ronald D. Moore has been the ultimate example of non-existent oversight, and it points to why the SyFy Channel being the irresponsible frat house it always has been under Bonnie Hammer's irresponsible management.....needs to be shut down for good.

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