Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bonnie Hammer, David Howe, and Mark Stern Are The Worst Television Programmers of All Time

So of course they ended up at once was the Sci-Fi Channel....Murphy's Law.

Hidden behind their collective psychological security blankets of...brand names...psychotronic marketing studies....expanding the empire (what empire?).....and bonding their unpopular television programs to non-existent audiences....are three self delusional business people who will go down in history (if they haven't done so already) as "The Worst Television Programmers of All Time."

Ever since the three of them arrived on the scene, the Sci-Fi Channel (SyFy) has had this odd, creepy feeling to it in its television programming. Primarily due to the fact that Bonnie Hammer, David Howe, and Mark Stern have these off-kilter sensibilities that have never jibed well with mass market, commercial audiences. What they consider funny ("Scare Tactics") comes across as psychological cruelty to mass market audiences. What they consider self congratulatory and brilliant (anything produced for the network by Ronald D. Moore) comes across as supremely boring, cruel, ego driven, and offensive to mass market, commercial audiences. What they consider perfectly compatible with a network supposedly fantasy based ("WWF Wrestling" and cooking shows) comes across instead as incredulous to mass market, commercial audiences and general all around common sense.

On the evidence of their eccentric television programming alone...Bonnie Hammer, David Howe, and Mark Stern come across quite very strange people. For whatever reason, the three of them have determined that the only way their network can exist from day to to run the network in an extremely strange way. Every decision they make and have made never falls in line with general all around common sense and good taste for mass market, commercial audiences. Their decisions never even make sense to objective on-lookers who may be in the same business. The fundamental business lesson that Bonnie Hammer, David Howe, and Mark Stern need to that it isn't enough...and it isn't good enough...that their business decisions merely make sense to the three of them alone. There has to be some general, all around compatibility and conformity to universally accepted parameters of television programming rooted in good taste and common sense.

In many ways, Bonnie Hammer, David Howe, and Mark Stern aren't qualified and genuine television programmers at all. They're flawed, technical statistic gatherers of some sort putting crap on the air that somehow falls in line with their flawed personal theories on marketing. Real television programmers listen to a pitch for a potential new television series and solely evaluate the potential of said television series based on its own, unique merits. Bonnie Hammer, David Howe, and Mark Stern believe that any potential new television series should fit like a glove into the pre-established technical and marketing guidelines (as flawed as they are) they erroneously set up for the SyFy Channel. So in essence, you have a flawed plaster mold Bonnie Hammer, David Howe, and Mark Stern have set up for the SyFy Channel. If a potential new television series doesn't fit perfectly into that mold, it doesn't get on the SyFy Channel. This is what negatively separates and negatively differentiates Bonnie Hammer, David Howe, and Mark Stern from the rest of their peers in the television programming profession. And why the programming on the SyFy Channel has been as bad as it has been, and always will be.

It also explains why Bonnie Hammer, David Howe, and Mark Stern are the worst television programmers of all time.

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