Thursday, February 23, 2012

What We Have With The SyFy Channel, Is a Failure to Communicate

Universal - SyFy Channel - The same thing....right?

What we have with the SyFy Channel, is a failure to communicate with viewers.

1. A failure to communicate to viewers what sort of cable channel they are. They aren't a Science Fiction channel.

2. A failure to communicate to viewers its love of the "Battlestar Galactica" property. Actions always speak louder than words, don't they?

3. A failure to communicate to viewers any sort of respect for the Science Fiction genre.

4. A failure to communicate to viewers any sort of commitment to quality television programming. "WWF Wrestling" and "Ghost Hunters" anyone?

5. A failure to communicate to viewers any sort of commitment to hiring quality producers and quality actors in any of their productions. Ronald D. Moore and Edward James Olmos anyone?

6. A failure to communicate to viewers any sort of future commitment in defining what the hell they are (identity wise) as a cable channel.

7. A failure to communicate to viewers any sort of future commitment in moving beyond the core group of sub-standard producers and actors they routinely hire for their various original productions. Ronald D. Moore and Edward James Olmos anyone?

8. A failure to communicate to viewers any future point in time when they might begin displaying imagination and inspired thinking in television programming.

Any questions?

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