Friday, March 9, 2012

It Can Only Be a Blessing In Disguise Everytime We Never Hear From Bryan Singer Again

It can only be blessings in disguise everytime we never hear from Bryan Singer again after he makes his various movie and television announcements, and these projects never come to fruition.

1. Bryan Singer announces "Battlestar Galactica" on October 17th, 2011 and we never hear from him again regarding any further elaboration on that project.

2. Bryan Singer announces "The Munsters" a short time later and we never hear from him again regarding any further elaboration on that project.

3. Bryan Singer announces "The Six Billion Dollar Man" with Leonardo DiCaprio and we never hear from him again regarding any further elaboration on that project.

4. Bryan Singer announces his return to the "X-Men" director's chair and we never hear from him again regarding any further elaboration on that project.

5. Bryan Singer announces his intent to bring "Star Trek" back to television and we never hear from him again regarding any further elaboration on that project.

What is that old saying.....

Never look a gift horse in the mouth?

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