Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Valkyrie (2008) Was The Last Theatrical Film Bryan Singer Completed As a "Director"

Since then, Bryan Singer has repeatedly displayed remarkable AMBIVALENCE and PROCRASTINATION towards every single Science Fiction / Fantasy movie he has announced.

Translation: He has dropped (or has been dropped from) every one of these movies he has announced:

1. Logan's Run
2. Excalibur
3. Battlestar Galactica
4. Six Billion Dollar Man
5. X-Men: The Last Stand

I suspect that although Bryan Singer may be a Science Fiction / Fantasy fan, he doesn't like to direct movies of that genre. That...he announces Science Fiction / Fantasy film projects (as a fan) he would like to see up on the screen...but he really doesn't want to make them (as the director.) As a fan, he may want to see....

1. Logan's Run
2. Excalibur
3. Battlestar Galactica
4. Six Billion Dollar Man
5. X-Men: The Last Stand

up on the movie screen...But he lacks the drive and ambition to actually be the film director putting them up on the movie screens.

And his pattern of working remains exactly the same with all of these types of movies....

He gets stalled in pre-production....and then he drops out of these projects.

Where does he always end up? In television directing smaller projects. His sanctuary no doubt...from whatever the roadblocks are that keep preventing him from making the Science Fiction / Fantasy movies he keeps announcing.

Bryan Singer is now spending most of his time working in television. Did the failure of "Superman Returns" have something to do with that?

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