Battlestar Galactica - Universal Studios didn't revive "Battlestar Galactica" in the 2000's, they instead made an embarrassing spectacle out of themselves and created a notorious public relations fiasco (arguing with the general public on Internet bulletin boards over Galactica ) with the property via Ronald D. Moore's misguided takes on the property with "GINO" (Galactica in Name Only), "Caprica", and "Blood & Chrome."
"GINO" began with the initial mini-series having the lowest audience test scores in television history (something the SyFy Channel to this day will never admit to), and then inexplicably being green-lit for four low rated reasons after that. Contrary to the notorious mythology of the SyFy Channel, this was not a popular take on "Battlestar Galactica" (all three versions.) It instead attracted nothing more than a miniscule audience of "Andy Warhol Goofball Eccentrics on Wall Street" who like to watch upsetting and disturbing things. An unattractive and unprofitable demographic to say the least that the SyFy Channel curiously busted its "Corporate Mackadamias" to try and impress once they found out they and only they were watching.
"Battlestar Galactica" ended up where all of the rest of Universal Studios science fiction related properties end up. Dormant and collecting dust in storage because Universal Studios lacks the internal talent and lacks the proper instincts to know what outside talent is and hire it, to turn "Battlestar Galactica" into the mass market commercial success it is fully capable of becoming.
Buck Rogers - It comes as no surprise that it never even occurred to Universal Studios to try and do something new with "Buck Rogers" in the 21st century. Thank God they didn't. Universal Studios ever reliable faulty corporate marketing would have turned "Buck Rogers" into a weird comedy ("Reaper") masterminded by Kevin Smith.
Flash Gordon - Imagine if "Flash Gordon" has been done in the 1980s by Glen A. Larson starring David Hasselhoff and this is precisely what the SyFy Channel came up with in the 2000s with their take on "Flash Gordon." An interdimensional "Flash" this time around (Spaceships and planets cost too much for Universal Studios to build, even with CGI.) Everyone walked around in leather jackets and the entire fiasco came across as "Sid & Marty Krofft Collides with a Hell's Angels Biker Bar."
With only 7 episodes produced, it still lasted too long.
Read the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on
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