Monday, September 5, 2016

What Clashing, Trashy Ingredients Have Always Made Up The SyFy Channel?

What clashing, trashy ingredients have always made up the SyFy Channel?

Let's explore them one by one...

The trashy and sensationalistic..."Maury Povich Mentality"....of the SyFy Channel. Characterized by the..."B-Movie Trash"...of..."Sharknado"....and every other trashy B-Movie and television series produced for the..."SyFy Channel""The Asylum"....In other words, if it's in very poor taste, it's on the..."SyFy Channel"....

The color...Orange...!! The..."SyFy Channel"....has been using an..."El-Cheapo" stock for years in all of its produuctions (movies and tv series) that gives off an odd and bright orange tint in the foreground and background. Along with leaving the skin tone and complexion of its actors oddly pale and flush in many instances. Most noticeable in..."Wynonna Earp"...."Z Nation"....."Killjoys"....and the horror movies of..."The Asylum"...including..."Sharknado"....

The SyFy Channel and this guy have never mixed well together. From..."GINO - (Galactica in Name Only)"Helix""Craprica""Blood & Chrome." The SyFy Channel and Ronald D. Moore have made the most forgettable hours of television in the entire history of the medium. The only thing propping up these instantly forgotten productions is the mutual admiration society existing between Moore and SyFy. That admiration never including the mass market television audience.

The most overly hyped and low rated piece of TRASH in the SyFy Channel's history. The SyFy Channel having the nerve to call it a..."Smash Hit"....simply because a few hundred teenagers on...."Twitter"...."Tweeted"....about it. Of course the SyFy Channel made three low rated sequels to it based merely upon its few hundred teenage fans on..."Twitter"... What else would you expect from the..."House of Maury Povich"....? Where... SENSATIONALISM...TRASH...and...LOW RATINGS...rules!!

Could I keep going? This post could be never ending!!


Read the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on

And read the books at another location where Universal Studios executives and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.

I'll leave the other 150 locations under wraps for now.

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