The..."SyFy Channel"...has deserved every form of criticism from thousands of different directions at once as it has and continues to pratfall its way from one ludicrous business decision to the next. Most of its worthless existence has been spent embracing everything except quality Science Fiction on its daily schedule. Due to the fact that hose who own and manage the..."SyFy Channel"...haven't been and are anything but...true Science Fiction fans. Because of this, the..."SyFy Channel"...is unable to make noteworthy money as a..."Quality Science Fiction Cable Network"...Its owners and operators being more in the..."Psychological Vein"....of being ..."Crap Wrestling / Monster Truck Rally"...enthusiasts. "Good Old Boy / Rednecks"...down the street in the..."Trailer Park"...
"Vivendi / NBC / Comcast - Universal"...acquired the once great..."Sci-Fi Channel"...in the late 1990's and proceeded to DECIMATE the channel with one horrific and erratic programming decision after another. The..."SyFy Channel"...has always existed in its own little, self contained..."Psychotic Corner"....of the cable television universe, coasting along with low ratings, bad television programming rooted in bad taste, and an aversion to quality Science Fiction television programming rooted in a thorough lack of understanding the genre.
The SyFy Channel's self serving..."Corporate Solution"...to managing a cable network they (putting it mildly) have never had a clue as to how to manage properly, has been to label fans of serious and quality Science Fiction as...."Geeks"...
Interspersed between the..."SyFy Channel's"...usual examples of ATROCIOUS programming such as..."Geeks Who Drink"..."Sharknado"....and..."The Wil Wheaton Project"...have been half ass attempts at Science Fiction programming (always missing the mark at being true Science Fiction due to the SyFy Channel's inability to understand the genre) such as..."Killjoys"....and...."Defiance"....
The..."SyFy Channel"...finally publicly recognized how HORRIFIC they are as television programmers by trying to make a self serving...."Corporate Joke"...out of the entire FIASCO they themselves created by claiming their programming is...
1. "So bad it's good"
2. "So bad its hilarious"
3. "So bad its cute"
Since this..."Corporate Stance"...didn't solve their..."Ratings Woes"...either, they are now on their latest kick..."Blood & Guts"....programming. No doubt believing that because it worked for the..."Walking Dead"....it should work for them as well. With the added...."Walking Dead on Steroids Schtick"....by paying tribute to..."Blood Meisters Quentin Tarantino"....and..."Eli Roth"....with...."Blood Drive"....as well.
Which brings us to yet another..."Corporate Flaw"...of the..."SyFy Channel"...Seeking out theatrical trends to emulate which never were mass market profitable in the first place. The..."Quentin Tarantino"..."Robert Rodriguez"...flick..."Grindhouse".... was only a mild box office performer...while the 1990's Science Fiction flick..."12 Monkeys"...was a flat out box office disaster. Yet here both theatrical oddities are...being emulated by the..."SyFy Channel"...in..."12 Monkeys - The Low Rated Television Series"....and..."Blood Drive - The Eventual Low Rated Television Series"....
The..."Business Irrational"....here is obvious. It would take...BIG BUCKS...for the..."SyFy Channel"...to turn a...BOX OFFICE SMASH...into a television series on the..."SyFy Channel"...where the viewer numbers just aren't there overall. So, the..."SyFy Channel"...does the only thing it can do...continuing to eke out its worthless little existence in its tiny little corner of the..."Eccentricity Cable Universe"....turning BOX OFFICE BOMBS no one ever gave a shit about in the first place...into low rated television series.
"Grindhouse"....being the..."SyFy Channel's"...latest target.

Read the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on Amazon.com...
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on Amazon.com (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books. http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/fullen1264
I'll leave the other 215 retail locations under wraps for now.
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