After finishing up the past two years finishing off a slate of thoroughly unimportant film projects that will ultimately find their way to the..."$5.00 Discount DVD Bin"....at..."Wal-Mart"....
Also the final resting place of the collected works of Ronald D. Moore and Bryan Singer...
1. Jack The Giant Slayer
2. Outlander
3. "GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only)
4. Superman Returns
5. Mockingbird Lane
6. Usual Suspects
7. Apt Pupil
8. Any..."X-Men"...movie
As for Scott Stuber, his body of work appears even less important than Michael DeLuca's in Hollywood's financial..."Grand Scheme of Things"...
Can anyone's resume underwhelm more than the one that produced this?

And Universal Studios expected us to believe that Scott Stuber was intellectually sound enough to produce a ..."Battlestar Galactica"....movie along with the other unimportant one? Michael DeLuca?
As for..."Cowboy Ninja Viking"...
..."Battlestar Galactica"...movies have been shelved / never started for more ridiculous projects in the past.
Remember when Bryan Singer shelved / never started his..."Battlestar Galactica"...movie for the most ridiculous project ever?

Yes..."Mockingbird Lane"...
Because as we all knew at the time...more people in the mass market audience were always demanding a follow-up to the..."Munsters"...than they were to..."Battlestar Galactica"...ever since I was this high. My hand is at my groin.
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on Amazon.com, as well as other stuff...
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on Amazon.com (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.
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