This blog has discussed this very issue in the past on many occasions. "Comcast-Universal" well as the predecessor..."Corporate Parents"...of..."Universal Studios"..."NBC / Vivendi / GE"...have never taken to..."Science Fiction"...and..."Battlestar Galactica...well at all. This corporation has always abused both, mismanaged both, and have always made stunningly incredulous bad business decisions with both.

Someone could write a book about the stunningly crappy business decisions Universal Studios has made with the..."Battlestar Galactica" going back 40 consecutive years. Including Ronald D. Moore's..."GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only)...nonsense.
Oh, that's right. The book has already been written.
Unwilling to get a..."Battlestar" off the ground for 40 consecutive years, as well as the previous 17 consecutive years after repeatedly announcing a new..."Battlestar" in endless fake press releases...Universal Studios continues to limp along as a failed corporation without the slightest clue or desire to manage the..."Battlestar Galactica" correctly all the while continuing to miss out on the profits that could be had with..."Battlestar"...while competing with..."Star Trek"...and..."Star Wars"...If Universal Studios simply had the corporate intelligence to manage..."Battlestar Galactica"...correctly.

What Universal Studios has done to the once great..."Sci-Fi Channel"...of the 1990's is equally criminal.
Initially turning this once great channel over to Bonnie Hammer who mismanaged the hell out of it like a bad episode of..."The View"...with Whoopi Goldberg, Bonnie Hammer guided this channel into the depths of one bad train wreck after another that continues to this very day in 2018.
Bonnie Hammer has an employment history of producing children's shows and apparently a gig at the..."Lifetime", so of course she was hired to manage the once great..."Sci-Fi Channel"...of the 1990's.
The moral of the story here is, check a person's employment history with greater scrutiny if you want to hire them to manage what is supposed to be a Science Fiction channel.
Francis Lawrence

Michael DeLuca / Scott Stuber

Lisa Joy
Have you ever noticed that all of the people Universal Studios claims it has hired to work on a..."Battlestar" in its endless fake press releases are all underwhelming cretins with no experience working in Science Fiction in cinema or really anywhere else? They all come across as producer / rejects from the umpteenth..."Fast & Furious"....sequel that never inspires confidence in their abilities to make a..."Battlestar" if only Universal Studios fake press releases were true.
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on, as well as other stuff...
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.
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