Some blunt facts that..."SyFy Wire"....doesn't know....
1. "Battlestar Galactica 1978"...is not a huge franchise 40 years later because Universal Studios has done absolutely nothing constructive with it..."Post 1978"....Even in the midst of..."Star Trek"...and..."Star Wars"....being revitalized again and again during the past 40 years.
2. The phrase..."So Say We All"...Ronald D. Moore ripped-off from a second season episode of..."Space: 1999"... (1976)...starring Martin Landau.
3. "Battlestar 1978"...is the one project Universal Studios never could get its..."Corporate Ass"...to revive for 40 years and still counting.
4. It wasn't just a few people from..."Star Wars"...and John Dykstra who worked on..."Battlestar Galactica"...It was John Dykstra's entire..."post-Star Wars"...visual effects company..."Apogee"....that worked on the..."Battlestar 1978"...pilot episode, along with..."Gun On Ice Planet Zero"...and..."Lost Planet of The Gods"...with John Dykstra in charge. Also including visual effects legends Richard Edlund and Dennis Muren who worked on..."Battlestar 1978"...
5. Ronald D. Moore's..."GINO - (Galactica in Name Only)"...series was not and is not..."Battlestar Galactica" by any stretch of the imagination. Just because Universal Studios and Ronald D. Moore claim that it..."is / was"...doesn't make it so. "GINO"...instead is endless, warmed over..."Star Trek"...cliches from the..."Rick Berman Era of Star Trek"...
6. "Egyptian Heiroglyphics"...are not part of..."Mormon Theology"...but are rather independent entities unto themselves. Glen A. Larson included them in the show because of his fascination with..."Chariots of The Gods"...
7. "GINO - (Galactica in Name Only)"...was never well received by anyone in the mass market audience domain and is not considered..."Canon"...by anyone to either the..."1978 Battlestar Galactica"...series or..."Battlestar Galactica"...overall. The pilot episode of..."GINO"...had the lowest audience test scores in television history primarily due to the unlikable characters.
8. The overall concept of the..."1978 Battlestar Galactica Series"...introduced in the pilot episode script was the equal blending of ideas between Glen A. Larson and co-producer Leslie Stevens. Why Leslie Stevens didn't get more credit as co-creator (as well) of the..."1978 Battlestar Galactica"...series remains a mystery to this very day 40 years later.
9. The concept of the..."Carillon Casino"...is not as silly as..."SyFy Wire"...would like to believe as the casino was actually a front for insect creatures (The Ovions) consuming humans for nourishment. This plot point heavily edited down by ABC-TV. This lost footage of course, Universal Studios either destroyed on purpose or allowed to get lost over the decades, along with all of the other lost footage to the pilot episode.
10. The..."1978 Battlestar Galactica Series"...deserves a lot more from..."SyFy Wire"....than to merely be labeled a..."pleasant diversion from a bygone era"...To this very day Universal Studios doesn't understand and could care less what they have with..."Battlestar Galactica 1978"...An "Outer Space Based / Science Fiction Television Series"...with unique and vital concepts that were never sufficiently explored in the first place. On a level of..."Star Wars / Star Trek"...style of excitement...
a. The original mission of the..."Battlestar"...fleet: Deep star exploration.
b. The..."Cylon"...war started when the humans intervened in the..."Cylons"...attempted subjugation of an amphibious race called the..."Hessaris"...
c. Commander Adama inherited command of the..."Battlestar Galactica"...from his father.
d. The.."Cylons"...have reptilian origins.
e. The connection between the..."12 Worlds"...and..."Ancient Egypt"...
f. A long history between the..."Cylons"...and the..."Ovion"...insect race on the planet..."Carillon"...
g. How..."Count Baltar"...went from being a..."Colony President"...to causing the destruction of the entire..."Battlestar"...fleet and the..."12 Worlds"...via his partnership with the..."Cylons"...What was he promised in return by the..."Cylons"...to cause him to just abandon his entire presidential post? To even go so far as to allow the slaughter of his own kind who could have protected him if the..."Cylons"...suddenly turned on him.
This is a rich and exciting backstory that still needs to be explored thoroughly. Never explored in the ABC-TV broadcasts.
This hardly renders the..."1978 Battlestar Galactica Series"...as nothing more than a..."pleasant diversion from a bygone era." This is a vital and concept rich Science Fiction television series on the same formidable level as..."Star Wars"...and..."Star Trek"...worthy of the same exploration with the same cerebral intensity. Buried underneath ABC-TV's actual mismanagement of the series (at the time) preventing such serious exploration. Along with Universal Studios continued mismanagement of this property continuing to this very day.
This blog will never be lost on the fact that these exciting concepts within the..."1978 Battlestar Galactica Series"...were never explored further by Universal Studios (for 40 years) because it is the very same studio with the same..."Mental Deficiencies / Limitations in Thought"...always steering them in the directions of..."Maury Povich"...."Geeks Who Drink"..."Blind Date"...and the..."Syfy Channel"....itself.
"Mentally Vacuous Pablum"...All of it.
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on Amazon.com, as well as other stuff...
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on Amazon.com (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.
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