Such as in the latest one that claims..."Battlestar Galactica"....is being revived by..."Comcast-Universal".... along with...."Punky Brewster"...and...."Saved By The Bell"....
...Yet the the only shreds of evidence for two of these productions being revived...."Punky Brewster"...."Saved By The Bell"...appear on..."IMDB.com"....
....While any shred of evidence for Sam Esmail's supposed...."Battlestar Galactica"....production is nowhere to be found on...."IMDB.com"....the very same website....
If the..."Streaming Service"...."NBC-Peacock"....is set to debut next Spring (2020) yet all three of these revived new shows are supposed to meet their scheduled airdates....
....Once again..."Battlestar Galactica"....isn't going to make any airdate by Spring 2020 because according to...."IMDB.com"....not only is it not even in pre-production right now the way...."Punky Brewster"....and..."Saved By The Bell"....are....but Sam Esmail also isn't even working on a..."Battlestar"....project of any sort right now.

This blog is already predicting via..."Crystal Ball"...that there won't be a...."Battlestar Galactica"....production of any sort debuting on the...."Streaming Service"...."NBC-Peacock"...in the Spring of 2020.
The..."NBC-Peacock"...."Battlestar Galactica Press Release"....is yet another..."Fake Battlestar Press Release"...from the..."Shellacked Corporate Minds"....of..."Universal Studios Executives"....

Duck everybody!!
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on Amazon.com, as well as other stuff...
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on Amazon.com (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.
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