This is how it always goes....
1. The initial…."Fake Battlestar Galactica Press Release".....announcing the supposed Executive Producer(s).....
2. The follow-up...."Fake Battlestar Galactica Press Release"....announcing the supposed Showrunner....
3. Sometimes (as we have seen during the past 20 years) there might be a third follow-up…."Fake Battlestar Galactica Press Release"....announcing a Scriptwriter….
But every single time during the past 20 years, these...."Fake Battlestar Galactica Press Releases"....have always ended with the…."Fake Battlestar Galactica Scriptwriter Assigned Press Release"....
We might get one more...."Fake Battlestar Galactica Press Release".....announcing a supposed Scriptwriter for this supposed...."Battlestar Galactica".....production supposedly airing on the...."NBC-Peacock Streaming Service"....
But after that, that's where it will end. "NBC-Universal"....will make no further mention of this supposed project, and it will never air on the…."NBC-Peacock Streaming Service"....
And yet strangely....
The series...."Brave New World"....was made quickly by...."NBC-Universal".... and all set to air on the...."NBC-Peacock Streaming Service"....
These...."Mind Games"....of…."NBC-Universal"….involving…."Battlestar"....are as old as the corporation itself....
"GE / Vivendi / NBC / Comcast - Universal"
Going back to 1979
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on, as well as other stuff..
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.
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