Saturday, September 30, 2023

Physician, Heal Thyself!!

Former cast and crew members of Ronald D. Moore's "GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only) Series are in no position to be criticizing anyone or anything since their own series....

1. Was a blatant rip-off of the entire "Rick Berman Era of Star Trek."

2. Had a leading man (Edward James Olmos) who did nothing but frown even during intended humorous scenes.

3. Had four low rated seasons and had a pilot episode that had the lowest audience approval ratings in television history.

4. The only reason the series went on the air after that was to fragmentize components of the Battlestar property so that Universal could own it. The "GINO" series being the pathetic vessel for achieving that.

Yes, there were embarrassing aspects of the "1978 Battlestar" series including the robot dog, but any intelligent scholar of television history (you won't find them at the SyFy Channel) would know that that was due to the fact of ABC-TV mandating that those embarrassing moments be put in to attract the desired audience demographics of the time, primarily children and young teens. But the durable premise of the 1978 series remained intact despite that.

So much so, that Ronald D. Moore found it appropriate to lift the title and take the premise into Rick Berman territory a quarter century later.

Yet another example of the "SyFy Channel's" - "Lightweight Powder-Puff Fibbing" everytime it tries and fails to rewrite the factual history of the "1978 Battlestar Series." Many times with factual data intentionally left out.

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