Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Some Words of Encouragement For Ronald D. Moore

1. Glen A. Larson tried to merge the "Tron" movie with cops ("Automan") and it flopped.

2. Glen A. Larson tried to merge the "Howling" movie with cops ("Manimal") and it flopped.

3. Glen A. Larson tried to merge the "Road Warrior" movie with cops ("The Highwayman") and it flopped.

And now...Ronald D. Moore wants to merge the "Harry Potter" movies with cops ("17th Precinct"). It too will flop.

Any questions?

Cops and science fiction don't mix. If Ronald D. Moore's knowledge of televised science fiction history extended beyond ripping off ideas from old science fiction television series, he would know this.

The only reason why "Alien Nation - The Series" successfully merged the two is because Kenneth Johnson was at the helm of it.

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