Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Russell Sanders, Who Believes The World is Coming to An End in 2012, Still Tries to Practice "Pop-Psychology" On His Enemies

As the forces of "2012 Demonic Evil" close in on Russell Sanders, he attempts to fight them off at the front door of the "Universal Studios Black Tower."

Russell Sanders practicing "pop-psychiatry" is the equivelent of the late George Carlin practicing religion. Yet that is what Russell Sanders continues to try and do a decade after his "Cylon.org" forum went belly up in the winds of his salaried stealth marketing nonsense.

My valid and astute criticisms of Universal Studios over the years haven't been about me or any aspect of me. What they have been about, is what has been physically evident for all of the world to see for the past 33 years. Namely, that Universal Studios executives have had a personal vendetta against the "1978 Battlestar Galactica" series and always will. It has been overwhelmingly, physically evident for the past 33 years and always will.

To point out such physical evidence on display for the past 33 years for some reason has always prompted "mental illness" accusations from Russell Sanders. It has always prompted this severely deranged "loony tune"- (Russell Sanders) to accuse those who point out the "overwhelmingly obvious" of the past 33 years as being "nuts." Yet it has been Russell Sanders all along who has been "nuts."

I find it to be tremendous emotional and psychological insecurities on the part of Russell Sanders for him to go to such lengths as the following in trying to label someone as being "mentally ill."

1. Claiming to have been a "Drill Sergeant" at some point in his life and thus (??) having accumulated vast intellectual knowledge of the psychiatric profession merely by studying the psychological goings on of the recruits under his charge. And then trying to apply the supposed psycholical abnormalities he found in his recruits to those who point out the "overwhelmingly obvious" in Universal Studios deliberate mismanagement of the "1978 Battlestar Galactica" series.

2. His latest claim, somehow having in his possession the "F.B.I. Field Manual" for studying the criminally insane. And he (once again) tries to apply those psychiatric findings to those who merely point out the "overwhelmingly obvious" in Universal Studios deliberate mismanagement of the "Battlestar Galactica" property for the past 33 years.

3. Accusing those who point out the "overwhelmingly obvious" in Universal Studios deliberate mismanagement of the "1978 Battlestar Galactica" series as being members of a "hate group."

4. Claiming to be a member of the military / special attache / officer consultant in Iraq who yet still finds the time to dwell on those who point out the "overwhelmingly obvious" in Universal Studios deliberate mismanagement of the "1978 Battlestar Galactica" series, and label them with "mental illness" accusations."

Russell Sanders then moves on to trying to cover for his buddies at Universal Studios and SyFy Channel by subscribing the notion "Random Chance" to some truly eccentric examples of their handling of the "Battlestar Galactica" property.

1. He tries to explain away the poor condition of how "Battlestar Galactica - The Complete Epic Series" DVD set (released in October 2003) was put out in the poorly manufactured manner in which it was (cracked discs, freezing discs, the damaged negative of "Saga of a Star World") as merely being the "manufacturer doing the best job it could do under the circumstances and resources available at the time." If this DVD set were put out by any other movie studio (Paramount, New Line Cinema, 20th Century Fox)...then maybe. However, when you combine the condition of this DVD set with Universal Studios long troubled history and mismanagement of the "Battlestar Galactica" property, it's indicative of a long pattern of this mismanagement. Also, Universal Studios did not order a "product recall" of "Battlestar Galactica - The Complete Epic Series" in October 2003, indicating their consent of the poor condition in which the DVD set was manufactured.

2. Bonnie Hammer wasn't part of any "anti-Galactica Conspiracy?" Really, Russell? What about the time she frequently pulled posts off of the old http://www.scifi.com/galactica board criticizing her channel and Universal Studios, and used those posts as an excuse for not reviving the "1978 Battlestar Galactica" series? What about the time she hired the stealth marketing firm "Abraham & Harrison" and instructed them to verbally attack the general public on the old http://www.scifi.com/galactica board whenever they criticized Ronald D. Moore's sham take on "Battlestar Galactica" back in 2003? What about the time she lashed out against the fanbase of the "1978 Battlestar Galactica" series and stated "they can't drive the creative process?"

3. Russell Sanders states that "there has been nothing out of the ordinary going on at Universal Studios" in regards to how they have dealt with the "Battlestar Galactica" property. All along, according to Russell, "they have merely been trying to make money." From what I can gather, "making money" at Universal Studios involves these mandates (among many others:)

a. Announcing a "Galactica" movie in October 2011 and then suddenly cancelling it.
b. Announcing a "Galactica" movie in August 2009 and then cancelling it.
c. Releasing the intentionally defective DVD set "Battlestar Galactica - The Complete Epic Series" in
October 2003.
d.  Releasing intentionally defective VHS tapes of the 1978 series in the 1980s.

Nothing out of the ordinary going on, Russell? I'm reminded of the George Carlin joke:

"A man in Texas was arrested for shooting his family, next door neighbors, and his dog. When arguing with police, the man stated - 'I was merely cleaning my rifle when it suddenly went off.'"

Your logic in all of this Russell has been deranged and severely flawed because you can't attach "mental illness" accusations to those who merely point out the "overwhelmingly obvious" such as this. This isn't "mental illness", Russell. It's called "making a point." A damn good one at that. The point being, there have been matters and instances of unusual, consistent, and choreographed eccentricity going on at Universal Studios in how they have managed the "Battlestar Galactica" property for the past 33 years. Eccentricies at this late date continuing to stockpile. Such as, Universal Studios announcing a "Galactica" theatrical film in October 2011, and then suddenly abandoning the project for a "Munsters" television remake pilot.

For some reason Russell, you have always assumed that I would strive for and find some value in your acceptance and the acceptance of your buddies at Universal Studios. Why would I would strive for that, Russell? You're insane and so are your buddies at Universal Studios. I don't strive for the acceptance of crazy people.

Mass psychiatric therapy is available to you and your buddies at Universal Studios, Russ. I suggest you take it for your own well being.

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