And after a decade of trying to censor the general public's honest and critical opinions of them as the worst owners the "Battlestar Galactica" property could possible have...
Maybe it's time for Universal Studios to get sober once and for all (psychologically speaking of course)....
...And bring back the only true "Battlestar Galactica" production the mass market commercial audience and masses will ever accept...
And do away with the "Fake" Revival Press Releases while they're at it...
Universal Studios October 21st, 2011 "Fake" Press Release
Universal Studios August 3rd, 2012 "Fake" Press Release follow-up to the above
Read the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on
And read these books at another location where Universal Studios executives and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on (allowing them access to the Amazon book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books. I'll leave the other 150 global locations under wraps for now.
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