Perhaps the most famous public domain property there is. The 1971 "Evel Knievel" television movie starring George Hamilton.
Did Edward James Olmos frown his way into eventually making Ronald D. Moore's sham take on Battlestar Galactica a public domain property? "Mystery Science Theater 3000" anyone?
Ronald D. Moore did "Battlestar Galactica" his way by not actually doing "Battlestar Galactica." Will his "kooky" rendition of "Battlestar Galactica" eventually fall through the cracks at Universal Studios and become a "Public Domain Property", because it just isn't and never did make the sort of money for Universal Studios that it should have? Quite frankly, Ronald D. Moore's sham take on "Battlestar Galactica" would be very easy for any studio to want to forget about, and allow to become "Public Domain."
All of this applies to "Caprica" and "Blood & Chrome" as well.
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