1. With its..."Fake 'Battlestar Galactica' Movie Press Releases"...released every two years...

Expect the next..."Fake 'Battlestar Galactica' Movie Press Release"...from Universal Studios in the Spring of 2018.
2. With its intentionally damaged..."Battlestar Galactica"... Blu-Ray....releases....
a. Crappy ass box art designed to keep mass market sales down.
b. Intentionally damaged aspect ratios in the widescreen process.
3. With its intentionally damaged...DVD...releases...
"Battlestar Galactica - The Complete Epic Series" - released in October of 2003 had...
a. Cracked discs sitting in the DVD trays waiting for consumers the moment they removed the shrink wrap from the packaging and opened the box.
b. No digital restoration done for the pilot episode..."Saga of a Star World"...evident with heavy grain in some scenes, and lack of sharpness in practically all scenes.
c. Discs freezing in your DVD player at certain points during the playing process.
d. A good 30 minutes of still missing footage from the pilot episode..."Saga of a Star World"
4. With its..."Battlestar Galactica Vault"...book....
a. Mostly about Ronald D. Moore's infamous..."GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only)...series.
b. Cheap paper trinkets in both the front and rear cover pockets.
c. Background information on the..."1978 Battlestar Galactica"...series already having been available for years on the Internet. Old interviews, old magazine articles, etc.
d. Ronald D. Moore's garbage scow spaceship getting priority over the iconic..."Battlestar"...spaceship from the 1978 series on the foldout cover.
e. Film strip slides of behind the scenes photos of..."Saga of a Star World"...being filmed that are so tiny you would need a professional photographer to enlarge them, or the..."Hubble Telescope"...to see them...
Can you see the little filmstrip yet of still photos from..."Saga of a Star world"...using the..."Hubble Telescope?"...It's in the upper right corner of the photo below!!

I just now caught it out of the peripheral vision of my right eye. Then I lost it again!!
Maybe if we increase the zooming power to 1.5 million?
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on Amazon.com, as well as other stuff...
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on Amazon.com (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.
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