In this era of...."Supergirl"...and the..."Flash"....continuing to do extremely well on television past their fourth seasons, on top of superhero movies like..."The Avengers"..."Iron Man"...and..."Shazam"....all having done extremely well in cinemas....
....Why can't the..."SyFy Channel"....also produce a superhero based production (in this exploding marketplace) that is simultaneously successful?
This blog has pointed it out numerous times in the past:
When it was still called..."Sci-Fi Channel"...in the decade of the 2000's, this network repeatedly shunned the entire Science Fiction genre with its condescending attitude towards all things Science Fiction as well as Bonnie Hammer's inexplicable and impossible to define...."Lifetime Network-esque"....feel good programming along with its crappy, low budget horror movies.
They drove away Science Fiction fans (en masse) for good a decade ago. And there is no going back for them.
It's all coming back now to haunt the..."SyFy Channel"...(a decade later) for all eternity no matter what they do. To the extent that the..."SyFy Cannel"...can't even capitalize on the current superhero craze on television and in cinemas. They can't make a nickel off of it because they killed their own on-air reputation a decade ago with its ridiculous programming behavior. So now, when they want to get serious, it's too late for them!! Now, no viewers will even bother to look at them anymore. Even if they offer..."Superman!!"
And they failed with a..."Superman"...based television series no less!! The granddaddy and most popular of all superheroes!! In this superhero flourishing marketplace!!
The..."SyFy Channel"...is toast now. And it's of their own doing a decade ago!!

And now the..."SyFy Channel"...is stuck making stupid-ass, low budget horror movies to hopefully pay their rent and their electric bill for the next six months...

If ever there was a corporation living and experiencing one of the fundamental teachings in the..."Bible"....after its own wicked acts from the previous decade...
It is the..."SyFy Channel"...
This blog didn't write the..."Bible"...it only reports on its contents when necessary
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on Amazon.com, as well as other stuff...
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on Amazon.com (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.
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