Multiple issues here with the..."SyFy Channel"....Aren't there always?
1. Two years ago, it wasn't the..."25th Anniversary"....of the..."SyFy Channel." It was the..."9th Anniversary"....of the failed misnomer...."SyFy"....and the unfortunate two decade anniversary of Universal Studios owning and mismanaging the former and once great...."Sci-Fi Channel"....under the previous and much better owners in the decade of the 1990s.
2. During this..."Reboot"....from two years ago, it was apparently the focus of this...."Reboot"...to capitalize on the recent resurgence of Science Fiction in media. Wasn't the...."SyFy Channel"....supposed to be embracing Science Fiction anyway long before this resurgence two years ago? Instead, the...."SyFy Channel"....had been (as usual, as always) embracing non-Science Fiction crap like...."Sharknado"....and other cheap-o horror movies it had teamed up with..."The Asylum"....to make.
3. This..."Re-Boot"....from two years ago was obviously (once again) mere lip service because no such..."Re-Boot"...ever took place. Instead, the..."SyFy Channel"....continued to embrace its umpteenth...."Sharknado"....sequels, more garbage from...."The Asylum"...and currently is prepping a trashy...."Banana Splits"....horror movie.
4. When it does try something slightly interesting such as..."Krypton"....and...."Happy"....it is always so poorly produced and written that no one bothers to check them out due to bad word of mouth. Also too, the...."SyFy Channel"...has so long since destroyed its intended...."Science Fiction Brand Name"...among all circles of human existence that no one at this late date even bothers to check out the...."SyFy Channel"....for any reason even if its intentions are briefly well intended in its programming.
5. The..."SyFy Channel's"...rare and brief opportunity at being looked upon more seriously as a provider of..."Science Fiction"....was shot to hell so quickly by the..."SyFy Channel"...itself that it was over as quickly as it began.
With the production..."Nightflyers"....the..."SyFy Channel"....advertised it so poorly and rush aired all of the segments so quickly (over 4-5 consecutive nights) that it didn't have a chance to build an audience.
Of course, the..."SyFy Channel"....can't build an audience with anything else it ever airs either so (oddly)..."Nightflyers"....fit right in with everything else the..."SyFy Channel"....airs.
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on Amazon.com, as well as other stuff...
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on Amazon.com (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.
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