Monday, November 7, 2022

In Addition to Its "Sweeping Management Failures" With The "Battlestar Galactica" Property Spanning 44 Consecutive Years, Here Are Two Additional, "Sweeping Management Failures" of "Comcast / NBC-Universal"


This blog knows from observational experience that every time "Comcast / NBC-Universal" doesn't know how to manage its properties, the properties come across as inconsistent and goofy combinations of a bunch of different things all at once, all under the umbrella of bad management practices always going against overall common sense and against mass market common sense....

1. Rule #1 in the "Streaming Industry" from day one: Give your viewers high quality, lavishly produced, "Science Fiction / Fantasy / Horror" original programming. What does "Peacock - Streaming" do instead from day one? The precise opposite: Supply low budget, cheaply produced sitcom revivals to its miniscule subscription base no one gives two shits about.

2. Instead of establishing a discernible, unique identity for itself within the "Streaming Industry", "Peacock - Streaming" does the exact opposite: It comes across as a goofy and inconsistent combination of the badly managed "SyFy Channel", "Hallmark Christmas Movies", and a garbage dump for all of the old "NBC-TV" programs. Within that entire badly managed mess, where is "Peacock - Streaming's" unique and discernible identity? Nowhere to be found because it doesn't have one.

The "SyFy Channel" will always suffer from the burning aftereffects of Bonnie Hammer's initial bad management from the early 2000s. This channel has morphed (since the early 2000s) into one vague manifestation of an identity crisis after another all the while trying to avoid what it was supposed to be representing from day one, "Science Fiction."

Bonnie Hammer took this channel instead (for decades), into the extremely disturbing realms of "Sharknado" movies, low budget horror schlock from "The Asylum" production company, "C.S.I. reruns", professional wrestling, a binge drinking game show - "Geeks Who Drink", and an inexplicable love for the "Box Office Failures" (from the past) of parent corporation "Comcast / NBC-Universal"....such as "12 Monkeys" and "Helix" - a remake of John Carpenter's 1982 "Box Office Dud"...."The Thing."

At this late date, this is what needs to be placed in front of this entire (waste of time and money) office building...


Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on, as well as other stuff..

And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.

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