This property being sabotaged repeatedly from the inside of Universal Studios by..."Corporate Executive Employees"....who have never wanted it to continue beyond its one season run back in 1978.
This blog has heard the same excuse again and again from idiots sounding suspiciously like..."Universal Studios Corporate Executive Employees"...over the years as to why this one season series did not continue beyond the..."1978-79 Television season"...either on television or in other forms...
I. "'Battlestar Galactica 1978'...didn't have a sufficient mass market audience."
Universal Studios never gave it a chance to build one up to a..."Star Wars"...and..."Star Trek"...sized level via its repeated intentional derailment and mismanagement of the property for the past 40 consecutive years. Whether it be through crappy and badly manufactured...Blu-Ray / DVD / VHS Cassette...sets during the past 40 years...fake..."Battlestar Movie"...press releases during the past 40 years, other examples of badly manufactured merchandise, and Universal Studios doing nothing constructive with the property during the past 40 years during the eras of..."Star Trek - The Next Generation"...on television..."Star Trek"...in film...and the new..."Star Wars / Star Trek"...films continuing to come out.
To be perfectly BLUNT, Universal Studios never would have been happy with any size of a mass market audience during the past 40 years because they have had a...Personal Vendetta...against the series for the past 40 years. Universal Studios has always known this (how they would be) and thus never bothered making a legitimate..."Battlestar Galactica 1978"...series during the past 40 years. Which they knew would never satisfy them no matter what.
Ronald D. Moore's..."GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only)...series didn't have any sort of a mass market sized audience, but was allowed to limp along nonetheless for four LOW RATED SEASONS.
Moore's audience was actually a fraction of the size of the..."1978 Battlestar Galactica Series"...during all four of its LOW RATED SEASONS.
Amazing how politics favored the inferior product in this instance. (Moore's series)
And despite such favoritism from Universal Studios, Moore's series tanked anyway in the ratings and was not popular. As opposed to the 1978 series.
II. Be careful Universal Studios. Your...Personal Vendetta...and..."Internal Corporate Sabotage"...of the..."Battlestar Galactica 1978"...series has been shining through the mists loud and clear for the past 40 consecutive years...
Not doing anything constructive with the property for the past 40 years despite the advents of different commercial eras demanding it. In many instances different commercial climates overlapping on top of each other at the same time...
a. "Star Trek - The Next Generation"..."Deep Space Nine"..."Voyager"..."Enterprise"..."Babylon 5"...on television.
b. "Star Trek"...original series theatrical films with William Shatner.
c. The current..."Star Wars"...and..."Star Trek"...theatrical films.
d. The current commercial climates in cinema welcoming all forms of other types of fantasy as well: "Harry Potter"..."Superhero films"...from Marvel and DC.
Universal Studios + "Battlestar Galactica 1978" = Internal Corporate Sabotage of The Property
This Tribunal Has Spoken
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on Amazon.com, as well as other stuff...
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on Amazon.com (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.
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