The equivalent of shooting bullets into the air and hoping someone would notice, the..."SyFy Channel's Relaunch Promo" 2009 not only didn't know what it wanted to say about itself but also didn't know who or what type of audience it wanted to attract with this totally incomprehensible orgy of..."What The F*ck"...misfiring of an advertising campaign. No dollars will ever be made by being vague with television viewers. You either know what you are or you don't. If you don't, you end up in the poor house. The present status of the..."SyFy Channel"...
"SyFy Channel Executives"...declared that they had a runaway hit on their hands with the first..."Sharknado" simply because a few hundred teenagers..."Tweeted"...about it on..."Twitter"...
Declaring that gold is sitting in front of you when it really isn't is no way to run a business...

"SyFy Channel"...then proceeded to make three more.."Sharknado"...sequels because it never got over being..."Orgasmic"...over the few hundred teenagers..."Tweeting"...about..."Sharknado"...on..."Twitter"...
Whatever happened to the still state of the art method of analyzing your actual viewer numbers by looking at the ratings? Instead of..."Whacking Off"...over what a few hundred teenagers are saying about you on..."Twitter"...
It would have saved the..."SyFy Channel"...a lot of personal embarrassment in the long run if they had, wouldn't it?

The..."SyFy Channel"...still can't resist making television series out of movie concepts that failed miserably at the..."Box Office." And my God, the..."SyFy Channel's Cancellation Graveyard" filled with this shit.
Do you mean to tell me that there is never one television executive working at the..."SyFy Channel"...with the..."Testicles"... big enough to come out and say..."Ummm guys? This thing failed at the Box Office, let's not bother wasting our money making a television series out of it."
In the individual instances of both..."Leprechaun"...and..."The Purge"...this blog is just going to assume these two series (not aired yet) will fail in the ratings as well. Given the..."SyFy Channel"s"...laughable track record in the past. Since everything else has long since failed. Especially the..."SyFy Channel's" of John Carpenter's 1982..."Thing" with..."Helix"...And it's rip-off of Quentin Tarantino's..."Grindhouse"...flick with..."Blood Drive"....
If it flops at the..."Box Office"...the..."SyFy Channel"...will flock to it.
The..."SyFy Channel"...convinced itself it was doing..."Battlestar Galactica"...back in the early-mid 2000's when in fact it was nothing of the kind. Instead, Ronald D. Moore sold them a..."Bill of Goods"...that was nothing more than the umpteenth..."Star Trek Sequel Series"...fresh out of the..."Rick Berman Era of Star Trek...complete with the..."Star Trek Techno-Babble"...carried over along for the ride. It also had absolutely zero imagination and zero inspired thinking as it aped..."Star Trek"...left and right. Its supposedly inspired social commentary was done infinitely better on..."Star Trek"...thanks to Rick Berman and the late Gene Roddenberry.
This failed series will forever be referred to as..."GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only) this blog.
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on, as well as other stuff...
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.
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