Ironically, although...."Comcast / NBC-Universal".....had already owned and mismanaged the...."SyFy"...."Sci-Fi"....channel for a good decade and a half (how it lasted that long under...."Universal Studios"....disastrous ownership is anyone's guess)....It wasn't doing Science Fiction related programming. Instead, it was doing Bonnie Hammer's...."Lifetime Network Feel Good Junk"....instead....
1. Dream Team
2. Crossing Over - With John Edward
3. Scare Tactics - with Shannon Doherty
....and low budget horror movies.
It was only after the other cable networks began doing really well with Science Fiction / Fantasy programming in the decade of the 2010's (Stranger Things, Walking Dead) that the...."SyFy Channel"....began saying to itself....
SyFy Channel: "Umm, we better start trying to get serious about Science Fiction / Fantasy programming or the other cable networks will overtake us."
Imagine that!! A cable network that was supposed to be Science Fiction in the first place but wasn't wound up playing...."Follow The Leader"....(trailing far behind) the other cable networks who were all much, much better at Science Fiction than they ever were, now found themselves scrambling to try and do Science Fiction programming just to try and compete.
There was just one problem. The..."SyFy Channel"....absolutely sucked at trying to do Science Fiction when they did try to do it.
And the other cable networks permanently overtook the...."SyFy Channel"....
We now find..."Comcast / NBC-Universal"...perhaps trying to play...."Follow The Leader".....once again (if its latest press release isn't yet another fake one) by apparently trying to launch a competitive streaming service to compete with...."CBS - All Access"....and...."Netflix"...and their two flagship productions....
1. Star Trek: Discovery
2. Lost in Space
This blog honestly doesn't see...."Comcast / NBC-Universal"....being successful at it.
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on Amazon.com, as well as other stuff...
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on Amazon.com (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.
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