Always trying to put the wrong sized block in to the wrong hole.....Ronald D. Moore's...."GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only)....series for example....
....Universal Studios remains clueless as to what to do with the..."Battlestar Galactica"....property even after 41 consecutive years....
Heaven help us all if this were to actually go through. On the same...."Streaming Service"....as re-boots of...."Saved by The Bell"....and...."Punky Brewster"....no less.
Combining...."Star Trek"....with..."The Maury Povich Show"....would be just as devastating...

Thank God..."Universal Studios"....doesn't own..."Star Trek"....because if it did we would probably see something just like this.
Combining...."Star Trek"....with..."The Maury Povich Show"....would be just as devastating...

Thank God..."Universal Studios"....doesn't own..."Star Trek"....because if it did we would probably see something just like this.
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on Amazon.com, as well as other stuff...
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on Amazon.com (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.
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