"Comcast / NBC - Universal"....is a dysfunctional corporation of low budget junk and nothing but low budget junk. It has spent two decades mismanaging the hell out of the...."SyFy (Sci-Fi) Channel"....and the...."Battlestar Galactica"....property for 41 consecutive years under the previous and present parent corporation owners....
1. Comcast
2. NBC
3. Vivendi
4. GE
On top of that, the low budget junk this corporation has crapped out of itself for decades includes....
1. Maury Povich
2. Sharknado
3. Zombie Tidal Wave
4. Geeks Who Drink
5. Ronald D. Moore's..."GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only)....series
6. Blood Drive
7. "Banana Splits" horror movie
8. Z Nation
9. William Shatner's Full Moon Fright
10. Crossing Over with John Edward
Now all of a sudden, inexplicably out of the blue, this total lost cause of a corporation (Comcast - Universal) begins having the...."Corporate Delusion"....that it can somehow compete with the...."CBS All Access Streaming Service"....and...."Netflix"....with its own laughable streaming service called...."NBC-Peacock"....
"Comcast - Universal".... honestly believes that it can compete with..."CBS-All Access"....and..."Netflix"....with junk remakes of...."Saved by The Bell"....and...."Punky Brewster"....
....along with a supposed remake / reboot of...."Battlestar Galactica"....The very same..."Battlestar"....property Universal Studios has been mismanaging the hell out of (on purpose) for 41 consecutive years via primarily with Ronald D. Moore's low budget and poorly produced and written...."GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only)....series.
Assuming this supposed...."NBC-Peacock Streaming Service"....wasn't yet another...."Fake Press Release"....from...."Comcast-Universal"....
....huge problems lumber on the horizon for...."Comcast - Universal"....
1. "Star Trek: Discovery"....on the...."CBS Access Streaming Service"....is a lavishly produced Science Fiction masterpiece / spectacle of a series. Beautifully produced, written, and executed overall.
2. The..."Lost in Space"....reboot on...."Netflix"....is also a lavishly produced Science Fiction masterpiece / spectacle.
For...."Comcast - Universal"....to claim that...."Battlestar Galactica"....would be part of its...."NBC-Peacock"....streaming service....they backed themselves into a corner they can't get out of where they would have to pour equally huge amounts of money into...."Battlestar Galactica"....just to be commercially competitive with...."Star Trek: Discovery"....and..."Lost in Space"...Along with stellar producing and writing.
Merely re-booting....Ronald D. Moore's...."GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only)...series for this supposed streaming service with its notorious...."high school stage play budget"...(low budget)....just wouldn't cut it nowadays to be competitive with..."Star Trek: Discovery"....and...."Lost in Space"...
"Comcast - Universal"....would have to move into the big leagues instead with a lavishly authorized budget for...."Battlestar Galactica"....
A lavish budget this blog believes...."Comcast-Universal"....would never authorize because this corporation is too accustomed to the bargain basement mentality of...."Maury Povich"....and...."Sharknado"....And this corporation has always hated...."Battlestar Galactica (1978")....anyway!!
"Comcast-Universal"....is way out its league with its supposed intent to launch its own streaming service because it could never play with the big boys...."CBS - All Access"....and...."Netflix".....
'Comcast-Universal"....has been a..."Low Budget Junkie"....for far too long to even worry about trying to compete with..."CBS All Access"....and..."Netflix"....
It would and could never happen.
For...."Comcast-Universal"....to suddenly do an 180 degree turn and produce a lavish...."Battlestar Galactica"....series after mismanaging the hell out of the property (on purpose) for 41 consecutive years is too absurd to even contemplate.
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on Amazon.com, as well as other stuff...
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on Amazon.com (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.
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