It was incumbent upon the..."SyFy Channel"...to mention the link between George R.R. Martin, "Game of Thrones"...and..."Nightflyers"....because the..."SyFy Channel"....simply doesn't have a Science Fiction audience at all...period. They also don't have any sort of an audience at all...period. Any sort of an audience worth mentioning. The..."SyFy Channel"....permanently drove everyone away a decade ago during..."Bonnie Hammer's Reign of Terror"....
When she thought that the definition of..."Science Fiction"....was an episode of..."Charmed"....crossed with..."WWE Wrestling"....crossed with..."Geeks Who Drink"....crossed with...."C.S.I."....reruns...crossed with..."Frankenfish"...and crossed with any..."Hunk of Junk"...movie she could also dig out of the...."Universal Studios Film Vault"....
It was incredibly naive for the..."SyFy Channel"....to erroneously believe that any serious and scholarly..."Science Fiction Audience"...was left watching them after the idiocy they had engaged in a decade earlier.
Why would the..."SyFy Channel"...believe that any..."Science Fiction Audience"....would have been left watching them and knowing right off the bat that..."George R.R. Martin"...was also the creator of...."Game of Thrones"...in addition to being the creator of..."Nightflyers"....without the..."SyFy Channel"....mentioning that vital information in the..."Nightflyers"....promos?
That's why..."Nightflyers"....needed the cross plug. So if any remnants of anybody were still left watching the...."SyFy Channel"....word of mouth extending beyond the..."SyFy Channel".... might have boosted..."Nightflyers"....ratings above...."0.5"...
The..."SyFy Channel"...might have sucked in some of the..."Game of Thrones"...audience. At least a sliver of it which would have boosted..."Nightflyers"...audience above..."0.5"...
The..."SyFy Channel"...might have sucked in some of the..."Game of Thrones"...audience. At least a sliver of it which would have boosted..."Nightflyers"...audience above..."0.5"...
Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on Amazon.com, as well as other stuff...
And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on Amazon.com (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.
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