Sunday, March 9, 2025

Remembering When "Comcast / NBC-Universal" Torpedoed Bryan Singer's Alleged "Battlestar" Movie (Back in 2012), For a Remake of The "Munsters"


And the remake (of The "Munsters") was literally announced (back in 2012), one month after Bryan Singer's alleged "Battlestar" movie was announced.


Guess which project got the priority!!

INSANE, right?

"So Say We All!!"

Friday, March 7, 2025

Two Other "Intentional Galactica Blunders" of "Comcast / NBC-Universal"

Back in 2006, the original "Star Trek" series with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy was digitally remastered with updated visual effects.

The conversation (at the time) then naturally turned to the same being done for the "1978 Battlestar Galactica Series."

Of course, (eternally out of touch with reality) "Comcast / NBC-Universal" wasn't even "In" on the conversations occurring at the time.

Imagine (for example) the final episode "Hand of God" having all of that "awful stock footage effects shots" of the "Galactica" attacking the "Basestar" replaced with "state of the art effects shots."


Back in 2001, Tom DeSanto proposed a "Galactica Animated Series" similar to "Star Trek."

A "Comcast NBC-Universal" executive at the time who turned down the idea, actually said that he "didn't want the marketplace confused with a new animated series."

Confused with what?

"Comcast / NBC-Universal" NEVER doing anything new with the "Galactica" property anyway?

That would definitely be confusing!!

"So Say We All!!"

All Three Have Gone The Way of The "Extinct Dinosaur"


"Comcast / NBC-Universal" inadvertently took itself and its subsidiaries along for the "one-way ride" when it simultaneously made "Battlestar Galactica" extinct.

"So Say We All!!'

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

There Have Always Been Two Different Ways to Make "Business Decisions" In "Hollywood"

 The "Correct Way"


The way "Comcast / NBC-Universal" has always preferred to do business....

The "Wrong Way"....

"So Say We All!!"

Sunday, March 2, 2025

It's a Situation That Never Surprised This Blog In The Slightest....

...."Comcast / NBC-Universal" BLEW the one opportunity it would have had, to give "Peacock-Streaming" an "Identity Marker", on the order of "Indiana Jones", "Star Wars", and "Star Trek".... increase subscribers at "Peacock-Streaming", easily over 100 million.

"So Say We All!!"

Yes, What This Blog Has Been Saying All Along: Confirmed!!

"So Say We All!"

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Even When "Comcast / NBC-Universal" Comes Up With a "Little Idea", The "Little Idea" is Still Really, Really Bad


Such as, doing a "Direct-to-DVD" sequel to one of the "Biggest Box Office Flops" of all time.

"So Say We All!!"