Sunday, March 2, 2025

It's a Situation That Never Surprised This Blog In The Slightest....

...."Comcast / NBC-Universal" BLEW the one opportunity it would have had, to give "Peacock-Streaming" an "Identity Marker", on the order of "Indiana Jones", "Star Wars", and "Star Trek".... increase subscribers at "Peacock-Streaming", easily over 100 million.

"So Say We All!!"

Yes, What This Blog Has Been Saying All Along: Confirmed!!

"So Say We All!"

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Even When "Comcast / NBC-Universal" Comes Up With a "Little Idea", The "Little Idea" is Still Really, Really Bad


Such as, doing a "Direct-to-DVD" sequel to one of the "Biggest Box Office Flops" of all time.

"So Say We All!!"

Friday, February 28, 2025

What Has Always "Leaped Out" at This Blog as The Primary Reason Why "Comcast / NBC-Universal" Always Fails at Pretty Much Everything It Does

 Whether it be "Battlestar"...."Peacock-Streaming"....or the...."SyFy Channel".....

....the lack of producing and writing talent at "Comcast / NBC-Universal"....

Whether it be...."In-House"....or hired from the outside.

"So Say We All!!"

Friday, February 21, 2025

With Even "Modestly Budgeted Movies" Costing a "Quarter of a Billion Dollars" Nowadays, Be Very Wary (More Than Ever) of Any Further "Fake Battlestar Press Releases" Coming From "Comcast / NBC-Universal"


Because they would be "Full of Sh*t" more than ever these days.

A budget like that for a "Battlestar" movie wouldn't even be approved in the "Mailroom" of "Comcast / NBC-Universal."

However, add Steven Spielberg and his "Jurassic Park" dinosaurs, and a "Battlestar" movie might have a shot with such a budget.

"So Say We All!!"

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Let's Have a Fun, Little Quiz

 If "Comcast / NBC-Universal" had to choose between picking up a third season of "Frasier", or making the Adam Sandler movie "Pixels" into a TV series, which one would they choose?

Regular readers of this blog already know the answer.

"So Say We All!!"

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

"SyFy Channel" Hasn't Thought of It Yet?

 "R.I.P.D. - The Series"

One of the biggest "Box Office Flops" of all time!!

The "SyFy Channel" loves flops like this. 

"So Say We All!!"

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

It's So Tempting to Be "Big Headed" In a Situation Like This

 ...But did the mistreatment of this property by "Peacock-Streaming" play a larger than expected role in "Peacock's" decline?....

A New era "Battlestar 1978" series would have given "Peacock" a distinctive, unique, and globally known identity. And stunningly profitable.

"So Say We All!!"

It's Time For "New Strategies" as The Ship Continues to Sink!!

"So Say We All!!"

Friday, January 24, 2025

If "Peacock-Streaming" Had Somehow Linked Itself to The "Jurassic World" Property, That Would Have Been a Suitable "Identity Marker" For Them


But, they never thought of that either.

Isn't it amazing all of the things that never occur to "Peacock-Streaming?"

Especially with "Science Fiction / Fantasy" always going strong on all of the other streaming services.

"So Say We All!!"

The Endless Problems With "Peacock-Streaming" Always Occur When You Begin a "Streaming Service"....


1. Without a plan.

2. Without a vision.

3. Without a concept.

4. Without any idea of what a streaming service really is.

5. Without a discernible "Identity Marker" like a new "Battlestar Galactica" series.

6. Without sufficient funding.

7. Instead, you just make your alleged streaming service like the failed "SyFy Channel", piling one endless rerun after another (of old shows) in your schedule.

"So Say We All!!"

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Even In Its Early Days, "Peacock-Streaming" Was Considered a Miserable Failure

"Alas, the streamer has no signature style, no signature show, and doesn't know how to properly leverage the assets it does have. David Zazlaf's incompetence over on Max gets most of the attention, but what's going on with Peacock is on another level."

"No signature style, no signature show"..... 

....What if it didn't screw this up every which  way for five frickin' years?....

And this blog has been voicing criticisms like this against Peacock from the beginning!!

Situations like this have always been typical "Murphy's Law" for "Comcast / NBC-Universal." everything it touches.....

"What can go wrong, always will go wrong" for "Comcast / NBC-Universal."

Never any exceptions.

"So Say We All!!"

"Peacock-Streaming" and "SyFy" Could Share The Same Logo


"So Say We All!!"

If You Listen Very Carefully, You'll Hear Both of Them "Creeping" By, While Never Making Decent Money


"So Say We All!!"