Tuesday, May 8, 2018

"Jeopardy" Categories For The Uninitiated

1. "Aired during the...'Jimmy Carter Era'...of....'America.' A Science Fiction television series never given a fair shake in the first place."

Answer: "Battlestar Galactica"

2. "Ronald D. Moore tried to tackle this one. Wound up with a pale imitation of...'Star Trek'...instead. Infamously known as...'GINO' - (Galactica in Name Only)...."

Answer: "Battlestar Galactica"

3. "Universal Studios wouldn't know what to do with this mountain of potential money even if it bit them in their...'Corporate Rear End'..."

Answer: "Battlestar Galactica"

4. "What Universal Studios chose to not compete with..."Star Wars"...and..."Star Trek"...with. An obvious and formidable adversary for both."

Answer: "Battlestar Galactica"

5. "It doesn't take 18 years procrastinating to make a movie. Universal Studios has done precisely that with what property?"

Answer: "Battlestar Galactica"

6. If Universal Studios combined..."Jurassic Park Dinosaurs"...with this property they might have something additional there."

Answer: "Battlestar Galactica"

7. "Star Wars" and "Star Trek" at the box office mean what for Universal Studios?"

Answer: Zero box office dollars for Universal Studios

8. This backwater cable channel was a dead end for..."Battlestar Galactica"...as well.

Answer: SyFy (Sci-Fi)

9. Universal Studios never could embrace or get a handle on this particular genre.

Answer: Science Fiction

10. Universal Studios method of choice for repeatedly hoodwinking the public.

Answer: "Fake Battlestar Galactica Movie Press Releases"

Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on Amazon.com, as well as other stuff...

And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on Amazon.com (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.

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