Monday, January 28, 2019

Is It Safe to Say That Universal Studios Simply Never Had The Physical and Intellectual Resources All Along (Post - 1978) to Compete With "Star Wars" and "Star Trek?"


Yes, Universal Studios produced the original..."1978 Battlestar Galactica Series"...41 years ago. But 41 years ago is a long time ago for a movie studio. Is it safe to say that Universal Studios is no longer physically equipped as it was back in 1978 to mount something of the magnitude of the..."1978 Battlestar Galactica Series?"

This blog will take it steps further beyond that...

1. Universal Studios also doesn't have the cerebral intelligence from anyone in its corporate staff to even begin tackling the magnitude of the..."1978 Battlestar Galactica"...for legitimate competition with..."Star Wars"...and..."Star Trek" it possibly did back in 1978. Old management people from back then no doubt died off, retired, and were replaced with..."Generation X-er"...corporate staff people thoroughly lacking in overall management talent, inspired thinking, imagination, and drive. They couldn't compete with..."Star Wars" and..."Star Trek"...even if they wanted to. Even when both continue to kick Universal Studios ass in profits right through the stratosphere on a daily basis.

3. Universal Studios dabbling in space fantasy lately is the low budget nonsense of..."Killjoys"...on the..."SyFy Channel." No imagination or inspired thinking required. Right up Universal Studios alley.

4. During the past 41 years, Universal Studios has thoroughly sucked at tackling anything that remotely resembles Science Fiction. Except when Steven Spielberg makes something extremely special for them from his own genius, imagination, and inspired thinking...

a. E.T. - The Extraterrestrial
b. Jurassic Park

But how often does Steven Spielberg make something special like those two examples for Universal Studios? Not too often. Unfortunately, in the meantime, Universal Studios is stuck with themselves to continue thoroughly sucking at any and all things Science Fiction and thoroughly sucking at handling the most basic management tasks involving the..."1978 Battlestar Galactica Series"...Such as screwing up the series on DVD and Blu-Ray habitually, and even screwing up at manufacturing a..."Battlestar Lunch Box"...

5. Universal Studios mindset towards Science Fiction has always been to do a..."Wagon Train Circle"...around it from a safe distance while at the same time lapsing into this..."Maury Povich / Bonnie Hammer / Sharknado"...mentality towards everything it does on the..."SyFy Channel." Where you're left asking yourself..."Was that piece of crap I just watched as bad as I initially thought it was?" Yes, it indeed was and the..."SyFy Channel"...schedule will never get any better because the same current crop of bad people at Universal Studios and the..."SyFy Channel"...are still where they are at, not budging an inch after thoroughly sucking at everything they do for decades. In the movies and on television.

This blog asserts the position that the only hope for the..."1978 Battlestar Galactica Series" have a robust and bright future is to be sold to a different corporation higher on the intellectual food chain than dead beat Universal Studios.


Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on, as well as other stuff...

And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.

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