Sunday, June 30, 2024

What Do These Three Guys Really Do For a Living Again?


Oh, that's right....

Sam Esmail, Derek Simonds, and Simon Kinberg keeping busy.

"So Say We All!!"

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Monday, June 17, 2024

"Earth to 'Comcast / NBC-Universal', Are You Still In Business?"


Everyone who has a "Legitimate Science Fiction Franchise" to exploit, still is....

Yes we know, "Comcast / NBC-Universal", it always SUCKS to be you....

Since...."Writer's Strikes"...."Covid-19 Viruses"...."9/11 Attacks"....and...."Stampeding Elephants in Africa"....always allegedly prevented you from doing anything with...."Battlestar Galactica"....

....While everything else in "Hollywood" always proceeded into production and got made just fine despite all of the roadblocks listed above....

"So Say We All!!"

Friday, June 14, 2024

"Blowing Smoke Up Everyone's Ass" Is Nothing New to "Comcast / NBC-Universal"


This time, it's another one of those pointless "Youtube" videos that tries to give the false impression (without actually saying it), that something new still might be happening with the "Battlestar Galactica" property when in actuality, it's nothing more than a pointless history lesson of the decades old, dysfunctional "Battlestar" property due to "Comcast / NBC-Universal's eternally ongoing "Crappy Mismanagement" of it, with the usual "Stealth Marketing Written Praise" of Ronald D. Moore's "20 Year Old Garbage" thrown in.

"So Say We All!!"

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Following "Non-Hollywood Entities" Have Had Their Careers "Frozen in Time" Since 2001 (Roughly a Quarter Century)


1. Dylan Clark

2. Sam Esmail

3. Simon Kinberg

4. Michael DeLuca

5. Scott Stuber

6. Bryan Singer

7. Tom DeSanto

8. Bryan Singer

9. Derek Simonds

10. Michael Lesslie

"So Say We All!!"

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Hollywood's "Drat Pack"


Who were they? WHAT were they? Were they ever in the "Hollywood" profession?

1. Dylan Clark

2. Sam Esmail

3. Simon Kinberg

4. Frances Lawrence

5. Michael DeLuca

6. Scott Stuber

7. Tom DeSanto

8. Bryan Singer

9. Derek Simonds

10. Michael Lesslie

"So Say We All!!"

How Many Additional "Hundreds of Millions of Subscribers" Did "Peacock-Streaming" NOT GET Today?


Just wondering

"So Say We All!!"

Friday, June 7, 2024

4 Years Later, "Peacock-Streaming" Still Lacks a Discernible Identity and Still Has Record Low Subscribers (30-35 Million)

"Peacock-Streaming" has always had this "John Doe / Amnesia" problem with its identity...

It still doesn't know what the hell it is.

And thus, Still can't put a "face" on its "Drivers License" so to speak....

How do you attract subscribers in the hundreds of millions if you don't know what the hell you are?

Basic Marketing 101- If you know what the hell you are, you can let everyone else know.

That's how you attract subscribers in the hundreds of millions.

A "Core / Base Instantly Recognizable Identity"....

1. Mickey Mouse
2. Star Wars
3. Star Trek
4. Indiana Jones
5. Wednesday Addams
6. Stranger Things

If you don't have any of these "Identity Markers", it SUCKS to be "Peacock-Streaming."

"So Say We All!!"