Monday, June 3, 2024

Why The "Battlestar" Spin-Offs Failed


Why the "Battlestar" spin-offs failed?

1. Mis-using the "Battlestar" brand name (in the first place) for Ronald D. Moore's personal projects which were clearly, lazy "Rick Berman Era Star Trek Sequel Series" Instead.

2. Not canceling Ronald D. Moore's embarrassing ratings abomination (low ratings) in the first place that led to the God awful "Caprica" and "Blood & Chrome."

3. Lacking the conviction and common sense to NOT "Green-Light" all of these laughable and clearly not workable projects in the first place.

4. Lacking the conviction and common sense to realize that EVERYONE (from producers on down to catering) were in way over their heads (intellectually) trying to tackle any project mis-using the "Battlestar" brand name for other STUPID IDEAS instead. Stupid ideas having nothing to do with "Battlestar."

5. Ronald D. Moore was hardly well thought of within the realms of any "Star Trek" fan circle at the time (2003) he was given his own series with "Battlestar" in the title.

That was a disaster waiting to happen and sure enough, that was precisely what it turned out to be.

6. Moore knew nothing about what "Battlestar" really was at the time and naively, proceeded along as if he was merely working on yet another "Rick Berman Era Star Trek Sequel Series."

He even added the God awful "Techno-Babble" to scripts to make himself feel right at home.

"So Say We All!!"

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