Sunday, January 28, 2018

Out of Morbid Curiosity, This Blog Picked Up a Copy Of "Blood & Chrome" In Order To Review It

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Morbid Curiosity - 

When curiosity and common sense collide: Enquiring further about a subject when you know you really don't want to know the answer.

"Blood & Chrome"...was the last hurrah for Ronald D. Moore's highly derivative and monumentally boring universe in his..."GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only)...series.

It perfectly sums up why Ronald D. Moore and David Eick were the wrong producers for the job in tackling anything with the..."Battlestar Galactica"...brand name in its title.

Like..."Caprica"...and like..."GINO"..."Blood & Chrome"...had absolutely nothing to do with the only true..."Battlestar Galactica"...universe created by the late Glen A. Larson and the late Leslie Stevens.

Conceptually and from an ill-conceived standpoint, this is the laziest production ever put on television film. 

Rather than being about the truly unique universe of Glen A. Larson and Leslie Stevens (with Mormonism, ancient Egypt, and a loving family towards one another and their friends serving aboard a military vessel)..."Blood & Chrome" instead the last hurrah for every crappy idea that Ronald D. Moore and David Eick brought to..."GINO"...and..."Caprica"...

1. Moore and Eick's status quo, cardboard characters are supposedly thousands of light years from Earth and supposedly never heard of Earth, yet everything in this television film is strangely Earth bound. Earth bound characters, technology, uniforms, overall dress. Everything. This blog knows damn well that this is due to the fact that Moore and Eick (aside from having zero imagination and zero inspired thinking since day one of..."GINO")...also never had the budget to build imaginative worlds as well. Ronald D. Moore called this entire mess of..."Goop"...."Naturalistic Science Fiction." This blog instead will always refer to it as lazy producing and scriptwriting.

2. This low budget television film dropped the ball even further with characters cursing up a storm with all too familiar Earth bound words like... SHIT...DAMN....HELL...etc. What happened this television film? It couldn't even do that anymore. I thought these characters weren't supposed to have heard of Earth, especially in this..."GINO"...prequel!! So, why is our planet being emulated up the ass from every conceivable standpoint in this television film?

3. This film suffers from the same crime that the..."GINO"...and..."Caprica"....series suffered from. A unique universe never conceived of in the first place, replaced instead by a lazy as hell (in misconception) Earth bound universe with zero imagination with fragments of..."Top Gun"..."Rick Berman Era Star Trek"...and..."Aliens"...thrown in.

4. "Blood & Chrome""GINO"...and..."Caprica"...before it, offer no credible explanations as to why and how these characters from..."Moore's Zero Imagination Universe"...parallel Earth development so closely and to the letter. These productions just hit the ground not running, coming across instead as just more boring and mundane sequels to..."Aliens"...or..."Top Gun"...or..."Rick Berman Era Star Trek"...

5. Ronald D. Moore and David Eick were the wrong producers all along to tackle anything with..."Battlestar Galactica" the title. Just as..."Universal Studios / SyFy Channel"...was the wrong corporation all along to own anything called..."Battlestar Galactica"...all along. For 40 frickin' years.

6. Everyone listed above (in #5) have always had such a stunning lack of imagination and inspired  thinking that it's no wonder that..."GINO" - (Galactica in Name Only)..."Caprica"...and..."Blood & Chrome"...were all...MASS MARKET FLOPS...The lot of them only have themselves to blame.

7. In one scene, a character plays a piano, while still another one pretends that he is a radio disc jockey over comm-line chatter. Never any explanations as to how this humanoid society supposedly thousands of light years from Earth could have acquired a piano or why a character would certainly be emulating a disc jockey from Earth. This lazy production just  hits the ground not running, lazily dumping it on the viewers to try and come up with explanations.

This entire fiasco of Ronald D. Moore's...."GINO"..."Caprica"..."Blood & Chrome"...never wanted to be bothered with imaginative and rational explanations for anything in these three misfired productions. To come up with such explanations would have required thinking outside of the box for everyone associated with these three productions. Which was impossible for everyone involved because everyone involved with these productions had...ZERO IMAGINATION... and...ZERO INSPIRED THINKING...

8. What could have been a fun scene...characters battling a giant instead reduced to
a snake you can hardly see and a snake no bigger than a man. How about a...Godzilla...sized snake instead? That would have required....IMAGINATION...and...INSPIRED THINKING. Nowhere to be found within a 300 mile radius of Universal Studios and SyFy Channel.

Read about the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on, as well as other stuff...

And read the books at another location where Universal Studios and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on (allowing them access to the book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books.

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