Thursday, March 1, 2012

How Long Does it Take to Write a Screenplay?

It was announced in October 2011 (October 22nd, 2011 specifically) that John Orloff (pictured above) had been supposedly hired by Universal Studios to write the supposed screenplay for Bryan Singer's supposed "Battlestar Galactica" movie supposedly to be released in theaters in 2013.

The general consensus in Hollywood is that it takes about three months to write a screenplay. So, Mr. Orloff should have finished in late January 2012. So, regardless of whether or not Univesal Studios intends to give periodic updates to the media as to the progress of this supposed project (which of course they aren't and won't), this supposed "Battlestar Galactica" movie should be moving into physical pre-production by now. Even as I am writing this, Bryan Singer and any other "above the line personnel" initially hired for this supposed project (co-producers, etc.) should be discussing (visual concepts, set construction on soundstages, costume designs) based upon Mr. Orloff's supposedly finished screenplay....right now.

If this supposed movie is to be released in 2013, it should be chugging along right now full steam ahead with "above the line personnel" already hired (co-producers)...already assisting Bryan Singer in early decision making during the pre-production process.

It takes very little effort to debunk any supposed "Battlestar Galactica" movie announced by Universal Studios and Bryan Singer. All you have to do is walk it through the normal production time it takes to make any movie. As of right now...March 1, 2012...

1. John Orloff should have long since finished his screenplay.

2. This movie should be in active...physical pre-production...right now.

Of course, given the past work history of Universal Studios and Bryan Singer in partnership together, (and the lack of progress always being the result), we can safely conclude that this supposed movie isn't anywhere near the progress level discussed above.

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