Monday, July 16, 2012

What's Next For Bryan Singer After Directing The "Munsters" Pilot?

It sure won't be the "Battlestar Galactica" movie.

I suspect that Bryan Singer's career is now permanently lodged in television. Specifically sitcoms.

And I also think that he will occassionally direct fast food commercials just like the one above.

A career destination such as this (in television) can only be arrived at when a one time theatrical director drops out of the following, major motion pictures in consecutive order....

1. "Excalibur"
2. "Six Billion Dollar Man"
3. "Battlestar Galactica"
4. "X-Men First Class"
5. "Logan's Run"
6. The verdict is still out on "Jack The Giant Killer"

...and has nowhere else to go....

Because Hollywood as a whole might consider him too risky to hire on as a movie director to complete a movie within a reasonable amount of time, or he just might drop out of the movie "spur of the moment?"

Am I wrong?

There's nothing to be ashamed of here. We will always need guys to direct fast food commercials, even former movie directors.

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