Thursday, March 21, 2013

Only Within The Imaginary Realm of "Stealth Marketing Success" Would SyFy Channel and Ronald D. Moore Re-Team For Another Round of Mass Market Failure in The Real Business World

SyFy Channel and Ronald D. Moore were encased in their bubble of imaginary success created by hired stealth marketing (courtesy of the stealth marketing firm "Abraham & Harrison") a decade ago. SyFy Channel and Ronald D. Moore were so cut off from the real world, the real business world at that time, that the two of them never faced the facts and the reality that they had created three consecutive, mass market failures in a row...

"GINO" (Galactica in Name Only)..."Caprica"...and "Blood & Chrome."

Where are these three failed television series now? Always look no further than the "$5.00 Discount DVD Bin" at Wal-Mart...

It's important to note that whenever the SyFy Channel and Ronald D. Moore claim to be developing a television series they claim is a totally original idea, it's mandatory to always get to the punch line of what they're really developing together.

What is "Helix?" It's a 13 episode remake (rip-off) of John Carpenter's 1982 "Thing" movie. Where will "Helix" ultimately end up? In the bin below...


And when "Helix" fails (low ratings) on the SyFy Channel (just as all three of the previous Ronald D. Moore series did)...the SyFy Channel and Ronald D. Moore will remain encased in their bubble of imaginary success (just as before) claiming that they ended "Helix" on its own terms, that it was the highest rated cable series in history, and that the United Nations honored the cast and crew of "Helix" with a candlelight ceremony.


Read the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on

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