Friday, September 27, 2013

Let's Envision What NBC-Universal / SyFy Channel's "Corporate Philosophy" Towards Science Fiction & "Battlestar Galactica" Probably Is, Shall We?

What NBC-Universal / SyFy Channel's "Corporate Philosophy" Towards Science Fiction & "Battlestar Galactica" Probably (More Than Likely) Is....

1. Since none of us at NBC-Universal / SyFy Channel have highly respected backgrounds in Theater, Broadway, and the "Arts" overall...and all of us are instead...nothing but "Corporate Bean Counters" and "Wall Street Marketers"....We must never confront Science Fiction and "Battlestar Galactica" head on because we lack the corporate talent and imagination to do so.

2. Instead, we must always label Science Fiction and "Battlestar Galactica" fans with our own corporate office created stereotype of "Geeks still living in their parents basements." This will ever so conveniently cover up all of our shortcomings at NBC-Universal / SyFy Channel as being cerebrally unable, and not being professionally qualified to tackle Science Fiction and "Battlestar Galactica" in any sort of a way that mass market audiences would find highly entertaining and highly enjoyable.

3. Let's always hire second rate, hack producers and directors (Bryan Singer, Ronald D. Moore) to provide us with mindless fluff that we can always try to pass off as Science Fiction because Singer and Moore are always affordable for the miniscule budgets we set aside for the various SyFy Channel projects...and Singer & Moore are always available and never in high demand from anyone else in Hollywood. Lots of free time, these two!!

4. Let's always hire second rate hack actors who really can't act for our various projects (Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, the entire "Sharknado" cast) because we can always hire them on the cheap and once again...they are always available and never in high demand from anyone else in Hollywood!! Lots of free time, all of these second rate hack actors!!

5. Let's always release "Fake Press Releases" regarding the "Battlestar Galactica" movie (Biennially) we will never make and the "Too Good To Be True" sounding Science Fiction television series that we will never make for the SyFy Channel because in the instantaneous world of the Internet...our "Fake Press Releases" are always forgotten a few moments after we make them. (Rolling my eyes.)

6. Since we only know how to make Science Fiction and "Battlestar Galactica" boring as hell, bland, highly derivative, and totally irrelevant to the subject matters they are supposed to represent on the rare occasions when we attempt both....we might as well just "run with it." Run with our own shortcomings as a corporation. Keep throwing "Jell-O" at the wall and hope that something might eventually stick...after decades of failing.


Read the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on

And read these books at another location where Universal Studios executives and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on (allowing them access to the Amazon book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books. I'll leave the other 150 global locations under wraps for now.

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