Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Passing of Glen A. Larson Leaves The "Battlestar Galactica" Property In The Hands of NBC-Universal's Horrible Mismanagement of It


I have come to realize over the years that the late Glen A. Larson's inability to get "Battlestar Galactica" revived over the years had nothing to do with him and instead had everything to do with a hopelessly dysfunctional and inept corporation (NBC-Universal) that refused to budge an inch on the issue of "Battlestar Galactica" coming back in the 21st Century. This was the corporation that Glen A. Larson was up against for the past 36 years. A brick wall.

NBC-Universal instead surrounded itself with the hopelessly inept (Ronald D. Moore), and the lost causes (Bryan Singer) who believed that Glen A. Larson's "Battlestar Galactica" was broken in the first place needing to be fixed. Of course, Glen A. Larson's "Battlestar Galactica" (the 1978 series) was never broken and just needed to be supported and guided into fruitful pastures in the first place by those at Universal Studios who controlled the purse strings. Substituting Glen A. Larson's highly imaginative 1978 series with calculating cold hearted board room decisions resulted in Ronald D. Moore's pile of garbage infamously known as GINO - (Galactica in Name Only) complete with business suits and retro automobiles emanating from a culture supposedly thousands of light years from Earth that never heard of Earth....and Biennial fake "Battlestar" movie announcements specifically designed to raise the spirits of, and then ultimately disappoint Glen A. Larson's fan base...of course always resulted in Glen A. Larson's..."Battlestar Galactica"....not coming back.

Ronald D. Moore never having created an original idea in his entire career (if you want to call his career a legitimate career) has even taken to calling himself the...."Creator of Battlestar Galactica"....and the...."Re-Creator of "Battlestar Galactica" despite the serious issues it has caused him with the "Writer's Guild." And I urge Glen A. Larson's heirs to keep a close eye on Ronald D. Moore from here on in to make sure that he doesn't pull those stunts again to try and benefit himself. The cut and paste hack job (GINO)  with conflicting and incompatible crappy ideas that Ronald D. Moore had the nerve to attach Glen A. Larson's...."Battlestar Galactica"....title to was no more...."Battlestar Galactica"....than the late 1980s VHS crap fest....."Space Mutiny"....was.

NBC-Universal's mismanagement of Glen A. Larson's "Battlestar Galactica" (if it hasn't done so already) will go down in history as the most notorious politically motivated mishandling of a property on purpose (Let's not upset George Lucas here with a return to the familiar waters that got him so upset in the first place back in 1978) the entertainment industry has ever seen.

Alright, Glen A. Larson. May you Rest in Peace, Sir. As a current and past fan of your "Battlestar Galactica", I initially misjudged you in many ways. For that Sir, I apologize. And I hope my apologies reach you in Heaven where you are commanding a Battlestar of your own.

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