Sunday, March 1, 2015

Actors Are Actually Auditioned For a "Sharknado" Movie? You Mean, The Casting For a "Sharknado" Movie Isn't Done All "In-House?"

I mean, one of the mail room clerks working in the "SyFy Channel" mail room doesn't pull double duty as an extra in a "Sharknado" movie? "SyFy Channel" cafeteria workers aren't cast as bleeding extras in a "Sharknado" movie? Family members of "SyFy Channel" executives aren't cast in starring and guest starring roles in a "Sharknado" movie?

How hard can it be to get cast in any..."cough"....acting role in a "Sharknado" movie given the low acting requirements needed in any "Sharknado" movie or any "SyFy Channel" production for that matter? (Think Edward James Olmos.) You sit in a makeup chair for 3 hours getting gash wounds applied to your arms, legs, or neck. And then when the cameras start rolling, all you have to do is scream.

How hard is that?

Any "Sharknado" movie and any SyFy Channel production = No professional acting required.

Every single amateurish SyFy Channel production is accurately dramatized within the Steven Spielberg / J.J. Abrams flick...."Super 8"... Where the kids in that movie are making their amateurish zombie flick.


 Read the books Universal Studios has tried and failed to censor on

And read these books at another location where Universal Studios executives and its stealth marketers won't be able to post negative, misleading (stealth marketed) reviews of the books via them purchasing candy and Rogaine Foam on (allowing them access to the Amazon book review section) and not actually buying and reading the books. I'll leave the other 150 global locations under wraps for now.

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